Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Change Custody 18 ??

I have been living with my mom ever since my parents got divorced when i was 2 years old. I have had a normal relationship with my mother but since my older brother has moved out of the house 3 years ago, our relationship has shifted drastically. We argue everyday and we can't seem to get along. Its unhealthy for me emotionally to deal with her anylonger. I have tried to sit and talk with her about how our relationship is but it doesn't work. I want my dad to have custody of me..or idk cause im 18 still in school does that work...????

I need help ASAP ..thank you !!!!Change Custody 18 ??You are now considered a adult you can live with who ever you chooseChange Custody 18 ??You're an adult. You're lucky your mom doesn't toss you out. Don't play one parent against the other. Work on the issues you have with your mother. Running away will solve nothing. She has taken care of you since birth...she has earned respect for that much. WORK IT OUT, don't run away like my stepson did. He played that game for a while...when one parent would get fed up with him he would go back to the other. Custody is no longer an issue, but like I said, technically you're old enough to be out on your own so I would be careful about burning bridges.Change Custody 18 ??Live wherever you want, you are 18. You can even move out on your own or with friends is you want.Change Custody 18 ??Legally youre an adult so you can now do whatever you want to like live with whomever you wantChange Custody 18 ??Well some will say that you are grown. but you are still your mother responsibility because you are still in school. you need to show her that you are responsive. see if that will work if not then you need to have your mom and dad. sit down and talk about where you should live.Change Custody 18 ??your dad doesnt have to have custody of you.. your 18 it doesnt matter you can move out of your moms and into ur dads.Change Custody 18 ??be a adult and tell her that you want to live with your dad. talk to him and let him know that you want to stay at the same school.