MY ex owes 4000. in back child support . I have sole custody of her. We have a court date set by the Co. Attorney. She has been stayihg with him,but he never tried to get the custody changed. He owed 2000 before she moved out. Does he still owe me and how much will the Judge allow? He was also ordered to keep health insurance on her,but never has.She has had a medicaid card.Is he responsible for paying Medicaid back?Does my ex have a case?Quit trying to get money from him. Share custody.Does my ex have a case?if 2000 was from after she started staying w/ him sounds like your even to me.Does my ex have a case?Only another court order changes his liability. He continues to owe at the same rate until the court orders otherwise. Don't know the answer to the medicaid quest, but likely he is responsible.
** Note: This is a general discussion of the subject matter of your question and not legal advice. Local laws or your particular situation may change the general rules. For a specific answer to your question you should consult legal counsel with whom you can discuss all the facts of your case. Answering this question does not indicate an attorney-client relationship. **Does my ex have a case?It doesn't matter who the child lives with, if your ex was ordered to pay child support, the child support is owed to you; even if the child lives with the parent that is supposed to pay.Does my ex have a case?Where she lived is irrelevant, the court order is in effect until he goes back to court and asks that it be modified. He didn't, so he has to abide by the existing order.
The insurance is a different matter, each jurisdiction has their own state laws on that one, you'll have to wait for the judge to rule on that.. :)Does my ex have a case?I went through this wit my daughter and her ex husband not too long ago and because the U.S. Supream court has ruled that too put someone in jail for a debt is against the law, states no longer jail dead-beat-parents. The best thing that you can do is too try and get her too agree not too have contact with the kids as it will only cause them trama. In the case of my ex soninlaw when the courts finally ordered supervised visits only when he paid someone too supervise them because of an incident of violence that occured in his home, He has dissappeared and never seen the Grandkids again. My daughter was told bu the court and her lawyer that it was likely that the battle for custody would continue until the kids were 18 and could decide on their own where they wanted too live. Fortunately his abndonment of his own children has worked out too be the best thing for the kids.Does my ex have a case?It depends on the state you live in.
But, if you have custody, then he is liable to pay support.
But, depending on how long he has had her, He could turn around and ask the courts for custody and say that you have abandoned her.
So be careful with how the courts sytems work.
If he owes, then he owes, but if he is able to get her a medical card, then, that also shows that he is lieable for her welfare and they could grant him custody and then make you pay child support. And then what he owes would be between him and that state that you live in. Not what you would get if he wasn't on any type of assistance and had a job and was paying his own.
Anytime someone is on state assistance, then what gets paid goes back to the state.