Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How can I get a custody order changed due to concerns about child welfare?

My child is 1 yr's old and three months ago I went to court and they sent us to mediation i have always had fear's that her father is unfit to take care of her( He has limited use of his arm and litteraly can not bend it very far) From day one he was in and out of her life going from getting married to someone a month before my daughter was born and within six months they are seperated becasue he feels she is not a good person and now he has his third child with her. He is now with another girl whom I find out yesterday is a child abuser becasue they found drugs in her childs systom when he was born. I only agreed to the joint if he moved back from another city and everyone is saying nm is a joint custody state and the judge wants to see some type of stability blah blah blah on several ocasions ppl say my child does not sleep at night and crys alot i have witnessed how filthy she is and how when she is left alone with her dad she becomes irratable and screams kicking him and pushing her self from him. Her diaper wet to the point is maid my shirt wet from holding her and her sitting on the ground in the dirt crying when i arrived then he gets out of his car to pick her up because I was there CYFD was called on him and they tood 6 days to make contact with my child then another 4 days to do a home visit in which time he cleaned the house. I have dates times the works of things that has happened since my daughter was born but lawyer says i cant use anything from before I signed the custody agreement. Since I signed the agreement her dad started triping and deciding when he would bring her back and its like its his needs not hers he had his girlfriend the child abuser bring my child home to me at 10:00 at night and within thrity min of her being with me I noticed a spider bit on her that was infected they had her for 7 hours prior to me getting her and noticed she said what looked like crap in her diaper but why wouldnt she flip her over to clean her and she said well i dont sit and examine her everytime she comes over. She also had that night in the car with her her three girls and her son with only one car seat and her son also needs to be in a car seat so which child was in the car seat. Also in the vehicle they only have one seat belt that does not work and i have made a comment to her that the kids was asleep on the door and she said o well the seat belt dont work. Or my daughter would be brought home still wearing long sleve clothes in 90 degree weather when his girlfriend had a tank top on and even one time i went to pick her up and she still hand a long sleeve shirlt on and a jacket. After the spider bit insodence he had her in his care and was supposed to take her to the dr and failed to do that. I reschedualed the apt for a day when I had her. My attorney which im second guessing weath or not he should be my attorney says I dont have enough to go on. before i signed the custody paper her dad got into an accident with four ppl in a truck with no ins or reg and two of whom were children his girlfriends kids and he was not even sited for child indangerment cyfd wont do anything and he just keeps getting away with everything like he is this great person. In nm its a non provention state which means she has to be really really hurt for them to do anything they cant provent what we all see can happen. He cant take care of her and he is not even putting ppl in her life who are fit and proper ppl he is still married and is moving in with this new girl whom he plans to marry and she is still on probation from the child abuse charge.

How can i get sole custdoay with suporvised vists if they wont do suporvised i want his rights taken away.

Please Help!How can I get a custody order changed due to concerns about child welfare?Well, isn't this long and drawn out. A disability does make a person a bad parent. I've heard these type of claims made against fathers for 20 years by controlling, gatekeeper, mothers. Since you made the poor decision to shack up and get pregnant, you have sole custody by default. Single fathers are relegated to the subbasement of parental rights, with a 12 inch tempered glass ceiling to break through.

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\How can I get a custody order changed due to concerns about child welfare?Get your attorney to demand an ex parte custody hearing. That is an emergency hearing and the courts will do this if the child is in danger. It sounds as though your daughter does need protection. Document EVERYTHING in writing, take as many pictures you think you'll need to prove that this poor innocent is not being cared for. I wish you luck with this.How can I get a custody order changed due to concerns about child welfare?You really need to shorten this up, use punctuation, spell check, no abbreviations and paragraph it -

Entirely too difficult to read as it is - without reading sounds like you need a lawyer after the 1st 10 wordsHow can I get a custody order changed due to concerns about child welfare?you need an attorney my dear. seriously. and spelling lessons.How can I get a custody order changed due to concerns about child welfare?First off, my mother raised three kids disabled, so use of his arm and bending will not matter to the court one bit. The fact you suggest it should is terrible. Disabled people are not less able to be good parents.

Unless you can prove there is something wrong, the court will not take away his rights to his child. So, I suggest you have concrete proof before you do anything.How can I get a custody order changed due to concerns about child welfare?You are going to ask the court to deprive a handicapped man of access to his child?

You will need a good lawyer, a ton of cash...and lots of prayers.

Good luck.How can I get a custody order changed due to concerns about child welfare?In all that you have written only 2 things are relevent right now. One, he did not seek medical care for an injury that needed medical care, and two he is living with a convicted child abuser.

That is all you have to take to the courts, and you can request a modification of the custody agreement. As for your lawyer, they are paid to be the courts compass to you, if they don't think you have a shot, then you may not, but they do what you tell them to do. They are right, anything that happened before the court paper was signed is useless, it should have been taken into account before. The court does not view hindsight as being 20/20.

The girlfriend being a convicted child abuser may be enough for you to get a temporary order for supervised visits while they are still living together. But if she tests clean now, which I can only assume she will or she wouldn't have her kids, then there isn't muchyou can do.

I can tell you are frustrated, and I know the system can be frustrating but the fact is that not every parent is going to live up to your standards and it sounds like he is trying to be a dad, which I know is a blessing and a curse. You wish he would just forget about your child, but at the same time it is great that he still wants to be with her. A lot of us had dad's that couldn't care less that there was a living breathing biologically linked person walking around. I myself only met my biological father once, and it still hurts to this day that no matter what I did I always felt I wasn't good enough, because if I was better than everyone at everything he would want me. At least your child won't have to go through that.

I know you think you know what is best, but for now the best you can do is take him back for contempt charges for the last drop offs, and modification for the girlfriend. But I agree with your lawyer, even though it is driving you insane, the Judge will most likely not do anything.