Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How can I get my wife to live with me?

I got married about 6 months ago and my wife has joint custody of her daughter with her daughters father and so she can't leave New York, even for vacation. I live in Hawaii right now but I'm moving to Kentucky in a few months (I'm in the army I go where they tell me to). My wife's joint custody is set up so her father has her wednesday nights and sunday days and my wife gets her the rest of the time. I asked her if she could get the custody changed to something like a once a month type deal but she said she'd spend more time and money in court than it would be worth. I work on Helicopters and UAV's in the army and am planning on getting a similar job as a civilian when I get out in 2 years. Since there are no jobs like that (or any decent jobs for that matter) in the greater Jamestown New York area I still won't be able to live with my wife after I get out of the military. She said we already went over this before we got married, which we did talk about it but never really sorted everything out, so it shouldn't be an issue and has been giving me the silent treatment ever since. Is there anything I can do short of murdering her daughters father?How can I get my wife to live with me?I think you have a real problem here. I don't think your wife wants to leave NY. You need to ask her why she married you if she doesn't plan to live with you. I see this marriage heading right down the toilet. I wish you luck cause I think you are going to need it.How can I get my wife to live with me?Face it. Your not really marriedHow can I get my wife to live with me?you and your wife are suppose to live with each other or he thinks your gross.How can I get my wife to live with me?Your man and wife, enough said on that, if you two don't live together, then the rest is pretty hard to pull together.How can I get my wife to live with me?suck it up fr now unitl you move. you agreed to the arrangement.How can I get my wife to live with me?There are jobs out there if you want to be with your wife.

Below are links for related areas of employment in

Jamestown New York.

Nothing is impossible if it is in out hearts.

Best wishesHow can I get my wife to live with me?Well I think the first question is how long has she been divorced? Another would be are you sure she is over him? Agreed it will cost money to go to court...but it would be worth it if you can finally live together as man and wife. I don't know how long you have been married but it seems to me that there could be more here than what she is saying. You both need to sit down together and talk this out and perhaps come up with some solutions that might work...if she is unwilling to try and work this out and live with you as man and wife...than i am sorry to say that this might not work out for you..