The last weekend they were there she had another %26quot;tantrum%26quot;. She ended up yelling at all 3 of my boys,(the youngest is only 4) and flipped a table over which almost hit my oldest son. What I need to know is if it is possible to change the custody so that he will have to come down here to see them and if not is what she did considered assault. I need to know if I can threaten to press some kind of charges against her if anything like that happens again. I know that my boys love and need their father. I am just trying to figuure out a way that they can have a relationship with him and limit their contact with her. My ex doesn't know how to deal with her anynmore than I do. He thinks that it would help if I have a talk with her about her behavior twords our boys. I need some advice please!Help me please. The situation between my ex husbands girlfriend and my boys is getting worse!?You need to back to court and have the visitation changed so that the kids can still spend time with Dad, but NOT with her. She sounds like a danger to your children, and since of course you want to do all you can to protect them, call your lawyer Monday morning!
Don't be loud or argumentative, just site examples like you mentioned abouve, stress to him/her that you feel this is not a healthy or safe environment for your kids, and let your lawyer hep you talk to the will be worth the effort to be able to sleep nights.
And good for you for being such a concerned Mom!Help me please. The situation between my ex husbands girlfriend and my boys is getting worse!?Amazing that your ex want YOU to talk to his girlfriend about her behavior! What a whimp. If he can't put this woman in check you need to make sure that you do by going to the courts and asking for supervised visits. Period.Help me please. The situation between my ex husbands girlfriend and my boys is getting worse!?Tell your ex he needs to be a man and have a talk with his girlfriend and you're not going to do his dirty work for him!! Let him know you're not putting up with anyone yelling at your kids and he best do his part to put a stop to this crap.Help me please. The situation between my ex husbands girlfriend and my boys is getting worse!?okay first off, they are not married. she has no buisness what so ever yelling screaming at them children non the less menaly distressing them with violents. I would write dates times and submit them to your case manager at your local CPS AND FOC offices. I also need to know what your custody is with the boys, do you have joint legal or just your normal weekend visits and summer and holidays? what state are you in? how old are all the children in the home? have you talk to the oldest about telling someone a school principle or teacher or calling 911 when she flips out? if you really feel danger towards your children from this women then you have all the means and rights to go after IT. I am a pro at this custody **** and ex's steps and so on. have been doing this a long long time. please email me and we can discusss more in privit what actions you may take and what way to handle this situation in more.