Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Would the police really do anything?
Okay, after a bitter custody battle, I now have custody. Father of my two older boys bought an XBox for the oldest. When the change of custody happened, my oldest brought his Xbox with him. along with his games. Now, at the moment he is on punishment which means no Xbox. So he complained ot his dad. His dad told him to bring the Xbox back to his house. I said no. Won't let that little boy manipulate the situation. His father called today demanding that I let our son take his Xbox back. I said no. I have custody now. the item was a gift to his son. I will not allow him to take it out of the house, especially since he is on punishment. The father threatened to call the cops. I said he can take it up in court. he tried to get irate, i hung up. from what I understand, anything you buy your children is a gift and cannot be demanded back. how could i have handled this better. just because i handed out a punishment, the father would let him play the Xbox just to spite me.Would the police really do anything?Let him call the police, they would just laugh at him.Shame on him for thinking he doesn't have to pay support to his sons just because you're married.Does you getting married mean he's not their father anymore? What an idiot he is huh? Glad you found a nice man :) good luck.Would the police really do anything?1st thing he cannot refuse to pay child support it is against the law. It was a gift he gave to the kids, you cannot take back a gift. Don't let him bully you.