Friday, June 3, 2011

What legal options does a man have if he is being kept from seeing his kids?

what can a man do who is kept from seeing his kids? How can he get to see them or change custody so that he can have the kids?What legal options does a man have if he is being kept from seeing his kids?First, you need to get an attorney. He needs to specialize in family law. If you have gone to Court already and custody was already awarded to mom, you need to get a copy of that order. In that order you should see the visitation schedule that was ordered by the Judge. If she is not allowing that visitation your lawyer needs to get a hearing called a %26quot;Rule to Show Cause%26quot;. In this hearing mom will be asked why she is not abiding by the order and she will be told to begin immediately. If she continues to refuse, she will eventually loose the children to you completely.

If you do not have Court order showing custody, then you need to get one. You need to get an attorney either way. If she has been refusing your visitation, your attorney may be able to get an emergency hearing. At that time you can tell the Judge what's going on and he will order visitation. You can also at that time let it be known that you want to fight for custody.

A Guardian ad Litem will need to be appointed. The Guardian will speak to you, the mom and the children. She will speak to a list of reference that you provide and she will do her own investigation. It is then her job to make a recommendation to the Judge regarding who should have custody and what the visitation should be.

Documentation, documentation, documentation. Document everything. Begin keeping a calendar. Write down every phone conversation that you have and the result, whether it be with your children or the mom. Write down everytime you request to see the children. Write down every time she refuses and the reason she gives. You must keep immaculate records showing the pattern here.

She will probaly try to justify her actions to the Court. Make sure you can pass a hair follicle drug test . Make sure you are living a good life as a good dad.

Get an attorney and fight a good fight. Those children deserve thier father. If the mother is keeping them from you, then she does not deserve them. Good luck...What legal options does a man have if he is being kept from seeing his kids?go to the court ... file a case under marriage law ipc 2not 4 ...What legal options does a man have if he is being kept from seeing his kids?take the matter to court, you have rightsWhat legal options does a man have if he is being kept from seeing his kids?Get a lawyerWhat legal options does a man have if he is being kept from seeing his kids?if court ordered for visits then file contempt of court chargesWhat legal options does a man have if he is being kept from seeing his kids?go to a lawyer. if you have a court order to see your kids, the mother is violating that court order and if it contiues, you will get custody. If you don't have a court order, get a paternity test done, and request visitation through the courts!

Thats your best bet.

best of luck!!! I know i couldn't stand not to be able to be with my kids!!What legal options does a man have if he is being kept from seeing his kids?Get a lawyer, He will be able to get you visitation rights.What legal options does a man have if he is being kept from seeing his kids?you need to go to court and fight for custody. if you are paying child support for the kids then you need to get a hold of the courts and tell them that she is keeping you from the kids and why are you paying child suport if you can't see your kids. show the judge you are a fit parent to raise your kids.
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