Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Complicated question: Child support, escrow, contempt of court, and more?

I'm going to try and nutshell this as much as possible: My husband pays child support for his son that was born out of wedlock in Ohio. Ohio law states that unmarried fathers have no rights to their children until legal paternity has been established, and until he files some sort of custody suit in the corresponding county. After we had paternity established, but before we could file a motion with the court, the mother handed custodial rights to her parents without providing sufficient contact information to the court (without the courts knowledge that she really DID know how to contact us, CS after all has our info on file), therefore we were unaware of the change in custody until AFTER the %26quot;uncontested%26quot; hearing. Now we pay CS to BOTH parties (arrears to the mother as well as current support to the grandparents), but nobody will allow us to see the child. We have filed a Motion to Modify Custody, but in Franklin Co. Ohio, it takes 5-7 months to reach a court date, and continuances happen FAR too often. Soooo... With the mother off in San Diego in the Navy (refusing to provide us with contact information, as well as her parents refusing to cooperate), and the grandparents not allowing us to see the child based on the mother's requests, does anyone know what we can do to serve the mother with the court papers that we filed (one hearing has already been continued due to the lack of service on her)? Also, does anyone know if we can utilize escrow to withold the CS from the mother until she provides us with sufficient contact info in order to uphold her responsibilites to receive CS?

Before anyone asks, no we do not have an attorney at present, but the next hearing is scheduled in September. Since my husband and I are both FT students, we will have the funding to retain an attorney by June with our next student aid disbursement.

One last thing: Since we had our own child AFTER the original order was set, and we now have a substantially lower income since said order, can we request a review on the case to possibly lower the child support to less than the current $458 / month, or does it really have to wait the 36 months?

Any and all help would be much appreciated! Thanks ahead of time!Complicated question: Child support, escrow, contempt of court, and more?Wow. Okay, I'll try to help:

%26quot;Does anyone know what we can do to serve the mother with the court papers that we filed?%26quot; - You can hire a process server to track her down and serve the paperwork.

%26quot;Does anyone know if we can utilize escrow to withold the CS from the mother?%26quot; - No. Child support and visitation are separate issues entirely.

%26quot;Can we request a review on the case to possibly lower the child support?%26quot; - Yes. You can motion to modify child support at any time you meet the guidelines for modification in your jurisdiction.

As you've probably guessed by now, you really need to retain an attorney for custody battles. Call your county Bar Association for referrals to firms that specialize in family law, then speak to a few about your financial situation. You may find one that will take a low retainer, accept minimal weekly or monthly payments, and allow you to pay the bulk of it in June.

Hope that helps. Good luck. :)Complicated question: Child support, escrow, contempt of court, and more?You're welcome. Thanx for BA! :)

%26quot;Loves%26quot; and %26quot;donot%26quot; have some good ideas, too. Try the university and the Navy. Best wishes.

Thanx, %26quot;Loves%26quot; :)

Report Abuse

Complicated question: Child support, escrow, contempt of court, and more?Trai is completely correct in her answer.

You may have one additional resource as a full time student. Some universities that are connected to a law school have law clinics available for students at the university. Second and third year law students are working for grades under the supervision of members of the law faculty. The services are provided without cost to the students. Look online at law schools connected with your institution or in the community. I hope you can find some help.Complicated question: Child support, escrow, contempt of court, and more?There are situations where you can get %26quot;orders to shorten time%26quot; or ex-parte emergency orders to address situations. It might be worth filing an emergency order for contact with his son, so that at least you can

claim that you tried this and were denied. (They'll try to claim that you've never been involved with his son, even though he was wrongfully denied contact and denied the opportunity to contest this change in custody.) They'll try to delay it until they can say, %26quot;Well the child is 3 years old now and has hardly even seen his father - it's not in the child's best interest for his Dad to be involved NOW.%26quot;

You DO need a lawyer to help you with this. I'm so sorry for your situation, and wish you the best of luck in the courts!

P.S. Check out www.fathersandfamilies.org - they're fighting to fix the family court systems!Complicated question: Child support, escrow, contempt of court, and more?File with child support enforcement to modify the child support due to a lower income and the fact that you are being double charged. Do it immediately. Contact the navy for her contact information. Her commanding officer will rip her apart for this behavior. The military is very strict about everyone being on the up and up.Complicated question: Child support, escrow, contempt of court, and more?I don't have much to give you in terms of help, but just know that there are others out there going through similar situations. I'll be thinking of your family.

Complicated question: Child support, contempt of court, escrow, and more?

I'm going to try and nutshell this as much as possible: My husband pays child support for his son that was born out of wedlock in Ohio. Ohio law states that unmarried fathers have no rights to their children until legal paternity has been established, and until he files some sort of custody suit in the corresponding county. After we had paternity established, but before we could file a motion with the court, the mother handed custodial rights to her parents without providing sufficient contact information to the court (without the courts knowledge that she really DID know how to contact us, CS after all has our info on file), therefore we were unaware of the change in custody until AFTER the %26quot;uncontested%26quot; hearing. Now we pay CS to BOTH parties (arrears to the mother as well as current support to the grandparents), but nobody will allow us to see the child. We have filed a Motion to Modify Custody, but in Franklin Co. Ohio, it takes 5-7 months to reach a court date, and continuances happen FAR too often. Soooo... With the mother off in San Diego in the Navy (refusing to provide us with contact information, as well as her parents refusing to cooperate), and the grandparents not allowing us to see the child based on the mother's requests, does anyone know what we can do to serve the mother with the court papers that we filed (one hearing has already been continued due to the lack of service on her)? Also, does anyone know if we can utilize escrow to withold the CS from the mother until she provides us with sufficient contact info in order to uphold her responsibilites to receive CS?

Before anyone asks, no we do not have an attorney at present, but the next hearing is scheduled in September. Since my husband and I are both FT students, we will have the funding to retain an attorney by June with our next student aid disbursement.

One last thing: Since we had our own child AFTER the original order was set, and we now have a substantially lower income since said order, can we request a review on the case to possibly lower the child support to less than the current $458 / month, or does it really have to wait the 36 months?

Any and all help would be much appreciated! Thanks ahead of time!Complicated question: Child support, contempt of court, escrow, and more?Yes, you can ask for a review of your case to get that child support lowered from where it stands. Its always based on income, so if you are not making as much as he was, then it shoud be lowered, and your income does NOT count, btw. I would not even mention it. They can not make you pay for the child support when it is not your child, so do not include it.

I would also sue for visitation rights, and also request that you only have to pay the child support to the people who have physical custody of you child. You shoud not have to pay two parties for one child.

Good luck. It is a messy business, but you need to get that lawyer and work out a payment plan so you do not get screwed. And if she gave her parental rights to her parents, you should avoid the child support altogether and sue for custody of his child. It would be cheaper, and you wont have to worry about visitation.

Plus, him as the father has more right to the child then the mother's parents. good luck.Complicated question: Child support, contempt of court, escrow, and more?Sorry, but you're only going to get good advice on this from an attorney. If you do not have one, GET ONE. Regardless of what anyone says here on Y!A, without one you're never going to see that kid. I guarantee it. So with that in mind, there is no point in wasting your time here.

Good luck!Complicated question: Child support, contempt of court, escrow, and more?What is going on is terrible. I do know that in my state the court does not care if you have another child, the child support stays the same. We are dealing with that issue.

I think that I would write to the grandparents and local DHR and explain that you can not pay the 458 a month. I would let them know that you would like to see the child and will be glad to help them but if they refuse, that you will let the court decide what is fair. Maybe they will step up if they think you are not going to pay any more. It is just an idea...

good luckComplicated question: Child support, contempt of court, escrow, and more?Im like you in that alot of this doesnt make sense ansd should be over turned by the courts once you do get this into court. An attorney will be a great asset here as he will know how to circumvent the legal system and get something done. Her mother has no right to have custody here so that should be the first thing overturned so the attorney will be well worth his cost here for you two. The double CS should be the next thing to go. Something is definitely wrong here almost like they have some friends in the court system there for this to be happening. Contact an attorney as soon as you are able and good luck. Also have you btried legal aid fro free help here since youre students with little or no income, its worth a shotComplicated question: Child support, contempt of court, escrow, and more?Because you have a child, you can ask for a motion to modify child support. You don't have to wait 36 mos. because he had a change of situation.

I can understand why there are two pymts. One is for the overdue cs and one is for the current. Because they go to two different people, there are two pymts. There is a penalty when you get behind.

I don't see how you can withhold cs, because your husband OWES it. In fact, part of the problem is that he got behind. I've never heard of the escrow idea, and I doubt it will work. Many, many people get cs and don't tell the NCP where they live, WITH the children in tow. It's doubtful that the court will allow cs to be withheld.

Have you considered filing an Emergency Custody Order? I think you'd be a shoo in to get it, because parent's rights trump gand-parents rights, and the mom is gone. Since it's based on her disappearance, it could probably be done without service to her.

Have you tried locating the mom through the military? I'm sure your husband has her social. I don't know about that.

What is an appropriate time frame to wait before asking for more time with a child?

My husband didn't get to meet his daughter until she was nearly 4. (Long drawn out story involving a vindictive mother)

He has been working on a relationship with his daughter since August of '08 (a couple weeks before her 4th birthday). At the end of October she started spending nights with us. Currently she spends every other weekend and every Wednesday night with us. She has adjusted to it well and my husband wants to add another regular night a week that he has with his daughter. The problem, though, is that she has only been spending nights here for 4 months and has only known her father for a little over 6 months. The order wasn't even officially filed until just before Christmas even though the final court date was at the end of November. (I don't know if the file date matters more than the actual time spent or not)

The mother of this child and her boyfriend are about to move into an apartment of their own instead of living with the mother's dad. We know that my husband has to wait until a significant change (such as a move) is made in the child's life before he can file for a change in custody/vistitation. This move will give him the required change, but is it too soon to file for another night per week with any hope of winning? (The mother will not agree. He would negotiate it with her, but she doesn't want him to see the child at all)

I'm thinking it's too early, but how long should things have been allowed to develop before he can ask for a change? 6 months in total? A year? More?

(And just to make it clear, we are keeping the best interest of the child in mind here. If we didn't think she'd be comfortable with it we wouldn't do it.)What is an appropriate time frame to wait before asking for more time with a child?Life is short and children are precious...If you can as a unit handle this situation its better for all. But who am I my question is if the mother didn't want the father to have anything to do with the child how did you get overnight visits? I have been fighting since 2001 and the court always seems to side with my ex, now our daughter is 13 and I want her to talk to the judge and my ex doesn't want that, but I know if somehow I could get the judge to talk with her they would see she wants more time...What is an appropriate time frame to wait before asking for more time with a child?that depends.... how much more time does he want to miss with his child ?What is an appropriate time frame to wait before asking for more time with a child?the approprite time is to do it when you wont./ the kid aint getting any younger

beside he only have her 8 days a month now anyway so ask for more time

i read a lot on here and everyone here know the momma cant move to far without notifying the dad about this if it will affect the kid schooling and how close she is to her daddy now

check you local laws on this before she move!!!!What is an appropriate time frame to wait before asking for more time with a child?take it slow, it sounds like she is dealing with alot of change.What is an appropriate time frame to wait before asking for more time with a child?its about damn time I see someone say its about the childs intrest! Good for you guys!

Id say follow ur heart and if you dont see it being an issue and its not about the money or wants or anything along that line Id say go for it! Every child deserves their mother and their father!

So glad to hear shes doing good with whats been going on!What is an appropriate time frame to wait before asking for more time with a child?it's too soon for the child's sake to be asking for another night, and i don't think a judge will give you another day at this point. and a vindictive mother? i imagine she has her own story to tell. tell your husband to enjoy his time with his child and not ruin it, and everyone's relationship, by fighting about something you're not going to get.What is an appropriate time frame to wait before asking for more time with a child?The fact that he is her dad and wants to see her should have no bearing on the time frame on which to pursue more visitation. He should ask for and get as much time with his daughter as your state allows. I hope he has an attorney, if not he needs to get one ASAP. A family law lawyer is who he should be calling.What is an appropriate time frame to wait before asking for more time with a child?I don't think it is too early. A child would want to spend more time with a person who they feel loved by, especially their father. It can never hurt to try.
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  • I hope I am doing the right thing?

    Last night I made the decision to change the custody arrangement with my ex. We divorced two years ago after I found out he was having an affair. We tried the 50/50 custody arrangement in the beginning but our then 8 year old son did not handle it well. We changed our agreement so that he would live with me and spend every other weekend and one night a week with his father.

    He is almost 11 now. And he has been asking questions about girls - very innocent questions - and other things that his father could probably answer much better than I can. I realized that he needs more time with his Dad. I have never been an 11 year old boy so I do not know what he is going through. My ex jumped at the chance for more time. So how do I talk to my son about this? I hope I am doing the right thing?well, little boy want to know about girl as much as the little girl want to know about little boy.

    Now you are a mom so i believe you would know what intention of the boy to the girl. you also know best what little girl intention to the boy. So you are the perfect candidate to me.

    It is also not wrong to let the boy see his Father more often.

    Don't forget, by the time he is 15year old, none of you have the custody over him.I hope I am doing the right thing?Ask your son what he wants, not what you think

    he needs.I hope I am doing the right thing?Im a mother of 5 boys and it is not easy when they hit you with those questions, lucky you have his Dad because I didn't and so I had to play that roll, but I was honest with them and I know they appreciate me for that honesty. In your situation, I would tell my son the truth, that you feel his Dad can answer his questions better because they are both guys. Good luck to you!I hope I am doing the right thing?First of all I have been an 11 yr old boy in his position exactly. My parents were divorced and they arranged the same thing that you and your ex did (every other weekend and one night a week).

    Unfortunately, my biological father was not the one that I went to when I was going through my teenage years, it was my Step Father (who later was allowed to legally adopt me so that I could take his last name and be a legal part of our %26quot;new%26quot; family).

    Anyway, I know what he is going through and I can almost promise you (based on what you wrote above) that your son would very much like to see his father.

    I would advise you to ask him just to be sure that is his desire, but leave it open for him to decide the when and how, within certain boundaries of course. It sounds like his father is anxious for more time with your son and that in itself in this day and age is not something to be taken lightly or for granted.I hope I am doing the right thing?I'd go to the bookstore and check out books on talking to your son about sex as a single mother. My son started asking questions, but he can't stay at his father's house during the week because of school... so when these %26quot;questions%26quot; come up we have a family night. We go to dinner and play miniature golf and that gives then time to talk. I'll make an excuse to leave for half an hour or something so they have their guy time.

    What are some common sense things that a 12 y/o should know?

    I'm hoping this is posted in the rigth category, b/c when I post things like this is marraige and divorce, I end up getting trashed. I am a stepmom of a 12 y/o 5th grader (his dad and I have been together for 4 yrs., bio-mom and ny hub have very trenuious relationship- cannot talk to each other). My hub had custody of him from 9 months to age 8, when the child was sexually abused by mom's older son (my stepson's half brother- stepson was 6, brother was 14). brother was put away in juvenile dentention, and somehow theh courts thought when they asked the chhild where he wanted to live, he said mom, so custody was changed. Mom made it impossible for my hub to remain involved in school, medical, etc. so we write directly to the sources.

    Recently (we live 5 houses away from the ex and son), the older brother was arrested while in his residential half way house porgram (we only found out b/c the teacher told us half brother brought him to school). He was bailed out by mom in mid Dec, and his trial has been postponed twice.

    Since borther moved in (and some of this has been beforehand), the 12 y/o stepson has been sinking fast....he lies to me and hubby, the teacher (we email each other one to twice a wk), hasn't been doing hmwk (all midterms say he lacks personal resonsibility), his medical problmes are thru the roof (he's 100+ lbs overweight w/ hi cholestrol, being seen by specialtist, but mom and kid don't do what's told).

    Over the weekend, my hub and I have begun to see how far behind the kid is- (he was made to repeat kindergarten becuase mom wouldn't take him on her visitation days 2 weekdays a week, so he technically went parttime) he can't write cursive, doesn't know his math facts (multipllication division, etc), doesn't know personal info like either mom or dad's address (In case of emergency), his birthday, can't recite days of the week on order and months in order, etc. I can't figure out how school continues to pass him to the next grade if he has this much trouble. Last week, my hub got an email from the teacher and had to go to school monday b/c first he teased a female classmate to tears that she had breast cancer and was going to die, then an hour later the teacher intercepted a story he wrote of %26quot;sexual and inappropriate content.%26quot; My husband and I have questoinsed the courts how can the abusive borther live in the same house as the victim, and school on how they are so blind as to the issues (Maryland apparently has a no child left behind theory, but how is he supposed to make it)...in other things, he's taken pocket knives to school, and when a letter came home last week about some chhild suicides going on in our area, he joked at lunch to classmates he was going to kill hiimself-- launching a intervention of calling both parents, adn pulling hiim fromm class.

    We don't have money to go to court and request a change of custody, and at this point the child resents both of us becasue we have rules (no computer until grades come up, clean your room, eat what we give you, no snacking,etc) and we make to much for legal aid to help. I'm going to write a letter to the teacher and superintendent voicing my concerns, but I'm looking to see if anyone can name other %26quot;common sense things%26quot; that should be known at this point of a 12 y/o.

    Thanks to all- I apprecate your helpWhat are some common sense things that a 12 y/o should know?Wow you are in a pickle! Yes, your son should know things like his birthday, parents addresses, also work phone numbers, emergency contact, basic health information (what he is allergic too), but I think he has a lot more problems than just not understanding %26quot;common sense%26quot;.

    He needs counseling. There should be local (free) programs to help your son. There are cases where children who were abused turn into abusers, and him living with his abusers cannot be healthy.

    You and your husband need to do everything you can to get him far away from the dysfunction and into a healthy and stable environment.

    My sympathies are with you. Please stay strong and keep fighting for your son.

    Whats going to happen in court when i return?

    i went to my child custody hearing it went good me being the father of my daughter and having custody while mother barely got visits after 4 years of no contact do to history of drugs she had filed for full custody and me getting visits every other weekend the judge immediately gave her a response of no and said he will give her monitored visits due to being absent so long and told her that my daughter would be very angry and emotional i was glad the judge did his job and not judge me because im the man and shes the mother but he told us to come back in 3 months to see how it went what will happen and why would he tell us to come back the order was asking change of custody and visits which they gave her visits and request for custody was denied that's all her paper work asked for shouldn't she have to file another order to ask for more things or what will happenWhats going to happen in court when i return?What will happen is the judge will question you, question the child's mother look over the evidence as presented by the person who supervised the visitations with the mother and the judge will make a further determination as to what will be best for the child.Whats going to happen in court when i return?No, if the Judge ordered another hearing, then this was just a Temporary Hearing. He may want to see how the monitored visits are going, and they are going well, then expand them to unmonitored. The court never views custody of a child as a cut and dry matter. Most courts very much want the mother tpo have a healthy relationship with their child. If you have attorneys, you may want to work it out prior to the hearing. Compromise a little, and perhaps the court will agree with those terms.

    Help?! My ex's fiancee cut off and ruined my children's hair?

    The fiancee of my ex-husband ruined my two and six year old daughters%26#039; hair by cutting it off completely down to the top of their head. To make matters worse she put relaxer on my six year old%26#039;s hair too. Her excuse is that she could not manage my children%26#039;s hair because it was too curly. My children are biracial (I am black and their father is white, so is his fiancee) so they have naturally curly hair. However she claims she wanted to make it straight so it would be easier to manage. I have always taken care of their hair. I style it before I send them to their father%26#039;s and they always come back with their hair tangled up and messy. His excuse is that they don%26#039;t have the time to do their hair. I have been teaching my daughter how to brush and comb her own and her sister%26#039;s hair so that they can do it themselves while over at their father%26#039;s, then all he and his fiancee would have to do is style it. He accused me of being lazy by having them do it themselves and did not want them touching their own hair. So he let his fiancee and her friend ruin their hair. He did not talk or consult with me about it. He gave her permission to put a relaxer on my child%26#039;s hair but they claim that they did not have enough money to take her to a salon to do it ( which I would not allow because six is way too young to be getting a relaxer) so she and her friend went to the store and bought it themselves. They put it on her hair, tried to use a straightening iron too which also burned her hair off, and then cut it down. Then they cut my little one%26#039;s hair but they did not put relaxer on it thank god. Long story short: I took my daughter to the emergency room. She did not have any scabbing that you can sometimes get from a relaxer but her scalp was red and tender. Her face and eyes were red because she had been crying. My mother, who went with me to the ER, called CPS. They lied and said that my children had lice and that is why they cut it off. They also said that my daughter had an allergic reaction to the lice shampoo and that is why her head was so red and sore and why she was crying. Needless to say that is not what he told me and my mother and I have further proof of that. His fiancee then left me a voice message accusing me of being a vindictive bad mother, and that I was trying to slander her. She said that I should be more sympathic to her because she put herself and her baby (she just found out she is pregnant last month) at risk because of the chemicals in the relaxer which my ex let her do. She also said that she would make damn sure that she and my ex would get full custody of my children. This is not the first time that something like this has happened but this is one of the worst. My children have come home from my ex%26#039;s house with food poisoning, diaherra, and even my little one%26#039;s dirty training diapers stuffed in to her travel bag stinking up her clothes and toys (their excuse is that it is not their job to get rid of my child%26#039;s diapers and they don%26#039;t want them stinking up their house). I have gone to court over these incidents and the court stated that these were isolated incidents and that no abuse, neglect, or anything irresponsible was going on to warrant a change of custody or visitation. CPS finished their investigation and they felt that it would not be in my children%26#039;s best interest to be at their father%26#039;s for full weekend visits because of conflicting stories that they told and living conditions at their house. I am going back to court to get full physical and legal custody. We have joint physical and legal custody. His family is telling me I am making too big of a deal of this and that they will make sure I do not get full custody. These are the same people that let his older brother and his ex wife neglect their children and they never took a stand against it. The state of Indiana had to. My family is supporting my children and I through this. But what I really want to know is how can I get my children and I through this ordeal? How can I help my daughter heal from this situation emotionally as well as physically? Would my ex lose custody or have his rights revoked? Could they be ordered to take parenting classes or have supervised visitation? Shouldn%26#039;t he have talked to me first about letting his fiancee or anyone change their hair? Or am I really just being over dramatic too the whole thing? I really need some advice on this. Serious answers please! Thanks!Help?! My ex%26#039;s fiancee cut off and ruined my children%26#039;s hair?Wow, that lady is crazy! She whined about putting herself and her baby at risk from the chemicals in the relaxer, when it was completely unnecessary if she%26#039;d just styled it? And they%26#039;re not her children, so she has no business at all doing anything more permanent to their hair than washing, brushing, and styling it. And, you need to talk to your ex, and tell him that he doesn%26#039;t have a clue about their hair, both as a male and as someone who doesn%26#039;t have curly hair himself, and you%26#039;ve had a lifetime of experience on that part and are perfectly capable of teaching your daughters how to properly care for their hair.

    For your daughter, remind her that her hair will grow back, and buy her a cute hat or some pretty bandanas or something if she%26#039;s upset about the haircut. If things come down to going to court, I%26#039;m pretty sure that your six-year-old will be able to say what was done to her hair, and other things like the fact that there were dirty diapers in her sister%26#039;s travel bag.

    Now, I%26#039;m guessing you%26#039;re ex%26#039;s fiance has no clue how to style your children%26#039;s hair - I%26#039;ve got to admit that I only have a vague clue of what I%26#039;d do with your girls%26#039; hair in terms of styling, and that%26#039;s only because I had a friend as a child with hair that was textured like she was african-american (strangely enough, she was blond and pasty white). So, if your girls have to spend any time at all with this lady in the future, I%26#039;d suggest that you take them to a hair-braiding place and have cornrows or something similar done first, and make sure to specify to both adults that your children%26#039;s hair is in a low-maintenance style and as such does not need to be undone, brushed, styled, etc. by anyone. That way, your ex%26#039;s fiance will have absolutely NO reason to touch your girls%26#039; hair, at all, ever.Help?! My ex%26#039;s fiancee cut off and ruined my children%26#039;s hair?Okay this was way too long to read but I%26#039;d tell the beotch to never touch my kid again and then punch her in the face ;)Help?! My ex%26#039;s fiancee cut off and ruined my children%26#039;s hair?You%26#039;re not being overdramatic, you are looking out for your childrens best interests. I think the biggest problem is you are talking to her. Your ex is responsible for the happiness of the children. From the incidents you%26#039;ve stated, it sounds like you%26#039;ll get the full custody and dont worry what his crazy part of the family says. Just focus on getting a good case together and do what is best for your kids.Help?! My ex%26#039;s fiancee cut off and ruined my children%26#039;s hair?Sweetie, I know we hate when things like this happen but I don%26#039;t think there%26#039;s much you can do about it. My daughter when through a similar situation, but we are in NC. Good luck!Help?! My ex%26#039;s fiancee cut off and ruined my children%26#039;s hair?NO, you are not being overly dramatic. The fiancee is punishing your children because she is jealous of you and hates that her man was with you and especially that he has kids with you. Stand your ground and DO NOT let her or that family convince you otherwise. He is harming his own children because of her hatred towards you and your children, or any-ones, don%26#039;t deserve that. Keep standing your ground and the courts will eventually take notice! Good luck!Help?! My ex%26#039;s fiancee cut off and ruined my children%26#039;s hair?Lady..I am sorry but this is wayyy to long I got through about a quarter of it and I couldnt finish it. Maybe edit it and take out some of the %26quot;story parts%26quot; and just write out the key points.Help?! My ex%26#039;s fiancee cut off and ruined my children%26#039;s hair?wow

    i agree they had no right to do that to your little girl, the poor thign must be so upset about her hair

    its awful that your ex, their father, is so careless to let these things happed

    best of luck in court and i hope it all works out because all these things that are happening to your girls sound terrible and youre not overreacting at all!Help?! My ex%26#039;s fiancee cut off and ruined my children%26#039;s hair?wow, you have a right to be angry and no you are not overreacting. I would be upset too. If your child is 6 years old then she can probably tell the courts what was done to her hair. She may not know what a relaxer is but she can tell them about the flattening iron and that they cut her hair off. Your ex should have spoken to you first before doing anything with their hair. Make sure you get a copy of the ER report and any other doctor reports you can get and take them to court with you. If you fight and do get full custody then I would recommend you ask for supervised visits whenever your children are with him and his fiancee. Best of luck to you and your children. I hope you will become closer as a family with your daughters dealing with this situation.Help?! My ex%26#039;s fiancee cut off and ruined my children%26#039;s hair?They are little kids, and you just have to tell them that they are beautiful. My niece kind of worries about it. Everyone in her school is white, and she is biracial and has doubts even though she is a very pretty girl.Help?! My ex%26#039;s fiancee cut off and ruined my children%26#039;s hair?wooo...you said long story short way up a the top..this is way to hecticly long to read even tho i read it becuase i am bored. I got nothing tho except next time I%26#039;d just pay for a haircut..children%26#039;s hair cuts arent more then like $10 bucksHelp?! My ex%26#039;s fiancee cut off and ruined my children%26#039;s hair?Wow hitting her won%26#039;t solve it tho. Sounds like your doing your best. Your lucky you have your fam behind you. It takes a strong person to deal with people like that Good luck It will get betrHelp?! My ex%26#039;s fiancee cut off and ruined my children%26#039;s hair?dont worry im pretty sure Obama would know excalty what to do!!!!!Help?! My ex%26#039;s fiancee cut off and ruined my children%26#039;s hair?This is what I always say if you do not know what you are doing with another person%26#039;s hair leave it alone. My best friends child is mixed race and he has no clue what to do with his daughter%26#039;s hair. So, he takes the time to go to a salon and have them show her what to do. You do have a right to react the way you do because those our your children and you should be apart of decision making when it comes to things like this. For instance, it is only baseball but my brother already told his ex gf%26#039;s husband that HE is the only one that is going to coach his son%26#039;s baseball because he is his father. Any type of sports his son is involved in my brother wants to be apart. If they respected you at all they would respect the fact and leave your children%26#039;s hair alone. If they feel that it is that hard to deal with then maybe they should come to you and ask for some tips. Chemicals on a child%26#039;s head is not something to mess with. Like what happened it can be very dangerous when you do not know what you do. Chemical burns are not something to play with. I do not know exactly what you can do to make sure this doesn%26#039;t happen again, good luck.Help?! My ex%26#039;s fiancee cut off and ruined my children%26#039;s hair?he def.should have asked u first and i would have never let her touch a single strand of hair on my little girls heads she is a horribly person and if your ex-hubby dumped u for something like that you deserve way better cuz u sound like a nice good caring person i would take him to court and look for everything to pin on him child abuse insufficient living conditions everything and you should be able to win most of it just bring good evidence like the voice recordingHelp?! My ex%26#039;s fiancee cut off and ruined my children%26#039;s hair?well i really don%26#039;t know about the law and everything but i think that u should do wtever it takes to have full custody of ur 2 girls am really sure that u%26#039;ll win and gd luck with everythingHelp?! My ex%26#039;s fiancee cut off and ruined my children%26#039;s hair?if i were you i would ask for custody for yourself and thr dad meaning ure ex will have to meet them in you%26#039;re house.Help?! My ex%26#039;s fiancee cut off and ruined my children%26#039;s hair?I am sorry Mistery I couldn%26#039;t read the whole thing either.

    I don%26#039;t think you are being overdramatic.Help?! My ex%26#039;s fiancee cut off and ruined my children%26#039;s hair?first i want to say that i am sorry that your daughters have been put through all of this.i am also sorry that you have to be put through this also.i hope that CPS will be on your side when you go to court about this.i feel that your ex and his fiancee should have discuss the taking care of your children hair with you.it sounds like the fiancee didn%26#039;t know what she was doing.it also sounds like your ex and the fiancee don%26#039;t have their best interest in your children.the fiancee and the ex do need to take parenting classes and have supervised visitation.

    i hope your daughters and you will heal from this experience.you need to sit down and talk to them and pray they will understand this shouldn%26#039;t have happen.i wouldn%26#039;t turn them against their father or his fiancee,but try to make it know it will not happen again.good luck to you and GOD BLESS.Help?! My ex%26#039;s fiancee cut off and ruined my children%26#039;s hair?First of all I read your entire question and there is so much that I would like to comment on but I am going to summarize it as best as I can. You are doing exactly what a mother is supposed to do. Your ex should have consulted you about the situation. If they don%26#039;t know how to properly do their hair and don%26#039;t want to take the time to learn then they should just leave it alone or find a good beautician that you approve of as well that specializes in little children%26#039;s hair and can do it. It is not that expensive to get their hair done. There is never an excuse to not take care of your children. I think his fiancee got frustrated and took the easy way out and did not care what she did. She figured that since she is with your ex and he said okay then that meant she could do whatever she wanted to them. WRONG! Ignore his fiancee and family. Save the voice messages, emails, and whatever they send. Keep the ER report and anything else that the doctor gave you for your records to bring to court. Fight for your kids and make sure they are given plenty of love and comfort in this situation. Let them know that beauty is only skin deep and they are still precious. The fact that there have been other incidents, including the situation with the diapers which is absolutely disgusting, shows that they are putting whatever animosity they have above loving and nurturing these children. I think there is a good possibility that he may wind up getting supervised visitation unless it can be proven that he and his fiancee will or have caused intentional harm to your children. Also make sure that you get a good lawyer that is experienced in child support and custody cases. Everything that you say and do must be in the best interest of your children. You are really going to have to be strong for them. I hope I helped and sorry to write such a long answer. Good luck to you and your children.

    Who do I need to write letters to in order to help change the current joint custody possession order in Texas?

    Where are the laws about when one parent is not upholding the educational obligation to make sure that your child completes their homework/study for test, etc... Our state is holding education as such a high priority, but there is no accountability when one parent is the educational nurturer and then one parent doesn't even have her do homework, nor study the night before the test.

    Also, what about the emotional need for children to be able to see their friends? When my child is at her father's house, she is not allowed to have any playdates with her school friends because he lives too far. 60 miles is too far during the week. There should be a seperate law for the weekly visitations based on how far the residences are. He's the one that voluntarily moved out so far, our child should not have to suffer. She can't attend birthday parties or have sleepovers with her friends every 1st, 3rd %26amp; 5th weekend. That's not good for a child.....Not at all surprised when we were at our last parent/teacher conference, both of her teachers said that my 8 year old is having trouble searching for identity.

    And how is it that I will miss every Halloween that my young daughter truly is involved in because it falls on the 5th weekend? Again, she doesn't even get to spend it with her friends from school. She gets to be the outsider at her dads neighborhood.

    It's hard as a mother when an 8 year old child ask her mother to %26quot;Just call the judge and tell him that I don't want to go to my dad's house. The papers don't understand.%26quot; As she is referring to the %26quot;papers%26quot; that I constantly have to refer to that make her go to her dad's house.Who do I need to write letters to in order to help change the current joint custody possession order in Texas?You are as confused about the %26quot;laws%26quot; as you are parenting. Your daugthers %26quot;friends and Halloween are not as important as her father. It is very evident that you have encouraged this attitude. Imagine a child that would rather be with her 8 year old friends instead of her parent. She didn't come by that immature notion on her own.

    If you brought this complaint to me as a petition for a change in the paranting plan, you would not leave the court feeling as righteous as when you came in.

    The child is 8 , what homework of a serious nature could she possibly have? When I began reading , I thought I was going to hear about a teen that was flunking out of high school. Instead I see a mother putting paling around with her 8year freinds on Halloween more imporatnt than spending time with her father. Outrageous.

    Brainwashing at it's best.

    Shame on you! Letters will not get you anyhting. Petitions in court are what will change the parenting plan. In my court , you would have not prevailed under these facts. Just so you know there are no laws in Texas that dictate visitation ( parenting plans) those plans are mutally agreed and dubmitted to the ocurt for approval. If the parties do not agree , the court will decide for you.

    Children are entitled to be both supported by both parents and to enjoy the love and nuturing of both parents. It is fortunate that the father will never see this, nor your court, as the lack of values you have instilled would be significant to have a change of primary parent. Maybe he could instill in the child the value of both parents, since you cannot.
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  • How can the laws change to help Dad's in custody battles?

    Mother's aren't ALWAYS the best choice for divorcing couples. Some husbands do a better job at raising the children but the court system is on the woman's side. Why and how can we make changes?How can the laws change to help Dad's in custody battles?That is why there are fathers rights groups

    www.fathers-rights.comHow can the laws change to help Dad's in custody battles?First men have to start watching where the make their deposits of sperm. Also having a child out of wedlock, puts you on the wrong side of the road. Third of all men have to start fighting for 50/50 custody. No parent is entitled to the child exclusively.How can the laws change to help Dad's in custody battles?The problem is not with the laws, it is with attitudes.How can the laws change to help Dad's in custody battles?LOTS of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.and thin,some.How can the laws change to help Dad's in custody battles?Request the court to analyse the bringing up of the child by both the parents seprately by give them a specific amount of time.

    Best Dad or Mon will get the child and vice versa.

    All the best.How can the laws change to help Dad's in custody battles?Statistic, plus 'specialist' opinion had formed the basis of what a good custodian for children, when it comes to court.

    To change that, the specialist, which are the welfare group, doctors, and etc need to be convinced that Father too, can be good guardian for young children.

    Unfortunately, that is a very challenging issue to do, as it takes time and lots of effort to proof the case.How can the laws change to help Dad's in custody battles?history has taught us that woman are are better parents,which is crap in my view,the courts have always held that because dads tend to work alot of hours that mothers have more time for the kids.my view is that to change this there has to be a change in the way the courts think.i think that i am a better parent then my wife,i have set clear rules for our son and he knows that when dad speaks it is time to listen,with mom,he is more welling to fight to get his way because mom gives in,he comes to dad when he wants to talk,play,or just needs pampered,in a court room i would lose because a judge well not look at all this.i do think there are support groups for men who are in this fight,where they are you would have to search the net.good luckHow can the laws change to help Dad's in custody battles?I do not see laws on the books favoring one gender over the other. Mother's tend to fight harder to keep their kids, and are more nuturing. However, I know many circumstances where the mother had issues and the father hadn't had to put up much of a fight at all to gain custody. I also know of circumstances where the parents had an all out battle for a year, and a court visit every month of that year, and the father ended up with the child.

    Courts favor what is best for the child. Courts appoint a lawyer for the child if the parents are in an all out war. The court also sends the child to a psychologist to get their opinion entered into the court record. And, if the mental stability is at question, or abuse is declared, the parents will be evaluated by a psychologist as well.

    A big factor is where the kid is residing when the battle begins. The court doesn't like the child to have to change schools, or even their bedroom. So, if the father walks out of the house, then he's more likely to loose. The same is true of the mother. If all else is equal, then this will be the determining factor.

    Court Date Issues...?

    Ok, I need to set up a court date to change the custody time of going to my moms Monday-Thursday and my dads Fridays to my dad gets full custody of me.. you don't want to know why, but how long does it take to go to court and testify?Court Date Issues...?Usually a few hours to all day depending on where.

    Opportunity? Should I stay or should I go?

    My brother has offered me a partnership 1-1/2 hours from where I live now. I have 2 wonderful girls 10-12 yrs old. My girls want me to go, they know how much I love them and we would have to change our custody arrangements, they know I will always be there for them, but it's still an hour and a 1/2 as opposed to 15 minutes. The opportunity takes me from 50 k to 100 k in 3 years. At first will be tight, but all training and tools are provided by my brother my best friend. I am very close to my girls they are the apples of my eyes. They also know that they will see their cousins and even mentioned that they might want to move with me...I know I can come home any time to see them, but I will lose 2 sleep over nights a week. They are okay with that I would miss them dearly,,,But I know they are getting more into their friends as well! My ex and I are friends and she is usually very helpful and understanding and willing to work with scheduling.Opportunity? Should I stay or should I go?if you and your ex are still friends that is great and if she is willing to work with you on the scheduling i would say go for it. your right your daughters are getting old enough that they are going to be doing more with their friends and developing their individuality. i know it would be hard for me to move away from my children and i probably wouldn't be able to do it but my children's fathers are complete a***s and wouldn't go out of their way to help anybody out. if your daughters want you to go obviously they know that if you move it doesn't mean that you are moving out of their lives and that it is a good thing for you to go. i'm sure they will miss you terribly and there will be alot of late night calls saying they miss you and want you to come home but as time goes by it will get easier for all of you. if you don't go is this something that you will regret later and wish you had done and if it doesn't work out moving can't you always move back home? i guess you just have to weigh out the pros and cons of going and see which would be the best.

    good luck with your decision!Opportunity? Should I stay or should I go?Long distance relationships aren't necessarily bad. You can easily get more time with your girls by adjusting your visitation schedule. Especially during summer when they have no school you might get them for a longer period of time. Hey, when opportunity comes knocking, dont run away! You never know what this new job will bring, more income so you can fly them to you perhaps more often, etc.Opportunity? Should I stay or should I go?you should go. because if u didn't go, you will lose 100% of shot you didn't take.Opportunity? Should I stay or should I go?1-1/2 hours is not a lot. you can just jump in the car and be there if you are needed. if you feel comfortable going to work with your brother and you KNOW that the job will last i dont see why you wouldnt go for it. just be sure to tell and SHOW you girls how much you love them. dont let a day go by without letting them know...................Opportunity? Should I stay or should I go?go with your gut feeling.Opportunity? Should I stay or should I go?sorry but dont go! they might be saying it but they dont mean it. or no matter how sincere they seem, it is important that their mother is their to guide them through these difficult years! (especially the 12 year old!) so please, your family is more significant in life than your career. it may seem like it is meaningful, but money will never be worth the priceless memories and experiences with your kids. Trust me, it will mean a lot to them, too! if they have told their mother to go, but she says she'd rather be with them, that truly does mean something! it will make them feel loved and comforted. So do it for your children; don't go! You sound like a great mom, and i believe you will make the right choice.Opportunity? Should I stay or should I go?I think you should prioritize. Is the money worth this to you? which one will keep you up at night? and which one would you be happy with? If your girls mean this much to you, and you are ok financially. I'd rather live a happy life with my family than live with more money than I need.Opportunity? Should I stay or should I go?I think you need to find a way to compromise. Can you live in the country so you're 45 minutes from work, but only 45 minutes from your daughters? This would make the occasional spontaneous sleepover much more doable. Are either of your daughters old enough to drive if you bought them a car to come and see you? Can you work out a flexible schedule with your brother, so that you can work part of the month from the city where you reside now? These may make life a bit tougher, but might be worth it for the time being, and then you can see how it goes when they get older and busier. It's such a delicate balance. As a dad, you need to be there for your children and support them emotionally and spend quality time with them. You have to be accessible to do this. But, you also have to support their basic material needs. If you can't do that in your current situation, then you need to take this chance to earn a better salary to provide for them. But, if you can support them just fine now and are doing this soley for your own career, maybe it's not worth it. When you look back on life, which would you regret more - not spending more time with your children, or not taking the job offer? And brothers don't go away. If he makes it big, and you didn't take this chance to be his partner, there may still be a way for you to get in on the action later on. Children, on the other hand, grow up and move on with or without you.

    Oh, and deep down, no matter what they say, your girls do not want you to go. They love you and would support you, but they want you to stay.

    Would the police really do anything?

    Okay, after a bitter custody battle, I now have custody. Father of my two older boys bought an XBox for the oldest. When the change of custody happened, my oldest brought his Xbox with him. along with his games. Now, at the moment he is on punishment which means no Xbox. So he complained ot his dad. His dad told him to bring the Xbox back to his house. I said no. Won't let that little boy manipulate the situation. His father called today demanding that I let our son take his Xbox back. I said no. I have custody now. the item was a gift to his son. I will not allow him to take it out of the house, especially since he is on punishment. The father threatened to call the cops. I said he can take it up in court. he tried to get irate, i hung up. from what I understand, anything you buy your children is a gift and cannot be demanded back. how could i have handled this better. just because i handed out a punishment, the father would let him play the Xbox just to spite me.Would the police really do anything?Let him call the police, they would just laugh at him.Shame on him for thinking he doesn't have to pay support to his sons just because you're married.Does you getting married mean he's not their father anymore? What an idiot he is huh? Glad you found a nice man :) good luck.Would the police really do anything?1st thing he cannot refuse to pay child support it is against the law. It was a gift he gave to the kids, you cannot take back a gift. Don't let him bully you.

    Serious Question!!! Guys Only!! What's up with this guy? Any hope for me?

    I know a guy who has been divorced for about a year. Bad divorce--she took him for almost everything. His ex is from an extremely wealthy family!!!!!So he could not beat her attorney wise. Here is the question: He used to call me several times a week--never complained about anything personal--just talked about things we had in common for hours on end. Then he would stop calling for several weeks--I went crazy and then would call him--He would call me often again after I called him. He never complains, but I know his life situation is pretty bad right now--making a career change, wanting custody of his son, short on money--but like I said when he talks to me he never complains about these things. He jokes, has cute pet names for me, and says he likes talking to me. He seems to light up and blushes when we accidently meet. When he talks to mutual friends and they ask him how things are going in his career change he reseponds with %26quot;we%26quot; meaning he and I(doing the same).Serious Question!!! Guys Only!! What's up with this guy? Any hope for me?It sounds like he is suffering from strong feelings of inadaquacy. This ex wife has beat the self confidence out of him. He is not sure that you really want him. That is why he consistantly gives up then starts back up after you call. He can't see beyond where he is. He doesn't complain because he is, first of all, not a whiner. Second of all, he feels as if he has little enough to entice you so complaining would only make you feel less interested in continuing the relationship.

    I believe very strongly in situations of this gravity, writing him a short letter is the best thing you can do. Something he can look at when he starts feeling alone in this great big world.

    I'm not talking about a %26quot;how are you today%26quot; letter. He needs a letter about you. He knows how he feels. He needs desperately to know how you feel. To know that you understand. To know that you tingle inside when the phone rings, thinking it might be him. That you want to wrap yourself around his voice when he speaks and ward off any thing that could challenge him until he is able to regain the strength to do it himself.

    We men, in general, feel it is our responsibility to always be strong. To be the %26quot;protector of the weaker sex%26quot; Well, it is time to turn that around because tonight, the man is the weaker sex. And as for you, well, you will be providing the strength. It's only fair. After all, you do get butterflies thinking about him, don't you? And, I'm sure you have wanted to hold him in your arms until his pain, which he can almost hide from you, went away.

    It will take a lot for you to be the hero here. If it didn't scare you, there would be no need for you to be brave. You are the only person in the world that can pull him out of this. In his mind, anyway. Don't let him down... don't let yourself down.Serious Question!!! Guys Only!! What's up with this guy? Any hope for me?wow i would move on just because he is not consistant. when you get your life on track let me know whats going on.Serious Question!!! Guys Only!! What's up with this guy? Any hope for me?hey it sound like he at least likes you some so turn it up and see what happens but after what he has been thru it may run him off you cant tell with out talking with him in person but take a chance GOOD LUCKSerious Question!!! Guys Only!! What's up with this guy? Any hope for me?shoot,who knows...it's been quite some time now...quit with the footsies and go for the kill.Be straight up with this guy.He's probably waiting on you to present the next step.If you are hot-he may be a bit intimidated(seeming coy).Honestly,you should jump on it B4 someone else does!Serious Question!!! Guys Only!! What's up with this guy? Any hope for me?First thing you need to understand losing someone out of your life either by breakup or death generates the same form of grief.And this grieving period may last 1 to 2 years,also considering how badly he got burned may add a cetain degree of mistrust that could extend any recovery time,so you need to ask yourself if you have that much time to giveSerious Question!!! Guys Only!! What's up with this guy? Any hope for me?Be careful, not knowing more, it sounds like this guy needs a friend after all he's been through and that 'friend' may be you (it certainly seems to be from his point of view). If he is reading more into your relationship than he should, you should be very cautious about giving him any indications that lead in that direction. If this is something you would like to develop, be careful there too, he is very vulnerable right now and what he is seeking in you right now, may not go as deep as you both may think. In short, don't build a relationship while either one of you is a time of crisis or is simply 'needy'.Serious Question!!! Guys Only!! What's up with this guy? Any hope for me?that the plunge go for it ask him out and see how it goesSerious Question!!! Guys Only!! What's up with this guy? Any hope for me?sounds like he is afraid of getting hurt again and thinks all women are alike in my opion watch out till he see.s the light that every woman isnt like his . ex. ?
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  • How do i change my moms full custody to my Dad?

    i am 16 i am currently living with my mom in Nebraska. I am visiting my dad in Colorado for the summer i don't want to go back my mother has hit me multiple times and all of these times i have called the police but my claims have been disregarded because my mom denies anything and i don't have any marks please help i dont want to go back to her.How do i change my moms full custody to my Dad?Talk it over with your dad. Custody is determined by the court and now that you are 16 the court will take into account who you want to live with.How do i change my moms full custody to my Dad?go to court and tell them you want to live with your dadHow do i change my moms full custody to my Dad?dont go back if u dont want.How do i change my moms full custody to my Dad?Your Dad will have to take it back to court to change/fight for custody.

    Hope things work out for you.How do i change my moms full custody to my Dad?Your dad will have to pony up the money to take the matter back to the courtroom in order for custody to be changed. NO OTHER WAY around it.

    And if you were sent to a hospital because they thought you were having outbursts, that can and probably will be introduced in court by your mother's side and you will be going home with her. Unless by some miracle she agrees to let you go.

    Otherwise you will be deemed either kidnapped or a runaway if you do not return and your dad will be jailed for kidnapping or harboring a runaway and will lose all visitation.How do i change my moms full custody to my Dad?well in England at 16 you can do what you want

    but also if you havn't had any marks then it couldn't have been that bad

    maybe you should think on what your going to do to your mom, all parents can discipline you and you don't call the police unless there pushing you down the stairs or beating you for no reason.

    Maybe you should reconsider.

    However if you want to stay with your dad and you cant legally do what you what when your 16 then you will have to check it with the courts first.

    How can a 17 yr. go back to living with his dad?

    mom wanted to get out of paying child support, she lied on numerous things made him feel guilty to the point where he did go to court and told judge he wanted to live with his mom but since then he has had a change of heart and wants to go back with his dad. Mom has also now gotten physically abusive to the point where children services was called in but would not talk to biological dad. Mom has been in and out of his life at her convienence. Change of custody occurred May 30th, 2007.How can a 17 yr. go back to living with his dad?How can he go back with his dad if they cant even get in touch with him! Put the kid in a safe place and make the mother pay child support.

    Child custody question - CA Courts

    My husband filed with his attorney/courts to change the original custody agreement to reflect what we are currently doing, rather than what was written 6 years ago in the divorce. Originally my husband was a weekend dad. We now have his daughter more than 1/2 of the time. The ex wants more money and complete control and we want what is fair and to have a say in the girl's upbringing and what care she recieves. We don't agree with how she is raising her. The 2 parents can't do anything but fight, so this is going to court. Question: We have mediation and court dates in September - what can we expect? What should we bring/prepare? We have an attorney but haven't been given any advice yet and would like to be as prepared as possible.Child custody question - CA CourtsYou and your husband need to DOCUMENT everything, keep receipts to prove you have the child as much as you say. The ex will not get more money unless there is an adjustment for inflation. It is going to be a fight, but if you and your husband can remain calm during the hearing, show proof of your involvement with the child, document on a calendar any and all events that are relevant to your case and have valid reasons for the request for a new stipulation and order, the ex will not have much to stand on. Fighting is not going to help the child. Sit back, collect your data, talk to the mediator for preparation and BE CALM. You will prevail if you show you have a level head in these situations.Child custody question - CA Courtstell them to shut up its thing like that that mess up the childs life id say 1/2 for each or get the child adopted cause arguings stupidChild custody question - CA CourtsYou should only e involved as a witness, NOT a party.

    Expect the mother to prevail. Unless you have a 500 dollar an hour lawyer and you can withstand a three year long fight.

    IN most law %26quot;The actions of the parties constitute a contract%26quot; but in family law, just because you don't make use of what you are entitled to ( in the area of visitation etc) doesn't deprive you of the rights of your entitlements under court orders, settlement agreements etc.Child custody question - CA CourtsEven though your married to this man, it's not your place to get involved. I know you don't want to hear it, but it's true. The woman won't get extra money if she's got the child less of the time that was stipulated 6 years ago. All you have to do is prove the child is with you more than half of the time. If that's true, he also has the right to claim her on his taxes.

    He can fight for full custody. He will have to prove that the child isn't being raised correctly. He will have to prove that the child doesn't have a roof over her head, or that she isn't being fed, or that she's being abused. If she has had custody all this time, if will take alot to prove.

    IF the mothers lifestyle isn't to your approval, this isn't your business. Nor your husbands. You 2 are living the way you want to. So, she should deserve the right to live the way she wants, as long as the child isn't in any danger.

    You can expect to show PROOF, proof, proof. of any of her wrong doings. They will also ask the child in closed quarters private questions. You won't know what those questions are. I'm sure they will be about if she is being fed, has heat, water, clothes, a roof over her head, stuff like that. They will also ask her private questions on BOTH of the parents.

    Just have all the proof he needs to make or show that the mother isn't a good mother.

    Help me please. The situation between my ex husbands girlfriend and my boys is getting worse!?

    The last weekend they were there she had another %26quot;tantrum%26quot;. She ended up yelling at all 3 of my boys,(the youngest is only 4) and flipped a table over which almost hit my oldest son. What I need to know is if it is possible to change the custody so that he will have to come down here to see them and if not is what she did considered assault. I need to know if I can threaten to press some kind of charges against her if anything like that happens again. I know that my boys love and need their father. I am just trying to figuure out a way that they can have a relationship with him and limit their contact with her. My ex doesn't know how to deal with her anynmore than I do. He thinks that it would help if I have a talk with her about her behavior twords our boys. I need some advice please!Help me please. The situation between my ex husbands girlfriend and my boys is getting worse!?You need to back to court and have the visitation changed so that the kids can still spend time with Dad, but NOT with her. She sounds like a danger to your children, and since of course you want to do all you can to protect them, call your lawyer Monday morning!

    Don't be loud or argumentative, just site examples like you mentioned abouve, stress to him/her that you feel this is not a healthy or safe environment for your kids, and let your lawyer hep you talk to the judge..it will be worth the effort to be able to sleep nights.

    And good for you for being such a concerned Mom!Help me please. The situation between my ex husbands girlfriend and my boys is getting worse!?Amazing that your ex want YOU to talk to his girlfriend about her behavior! What a whimp. If he can't put this woman in check you need to make sure that you do by going to the courts and asking for supervised visits. Period.Help me please. The situation between my ex husbands girlfriend and my boys is getting worse!?Tell your ex he needs to be a man and have a talk with his girlfriend and you're not going to do his dirty work for him!! Let him know you're not putting up with anyone yelling at your kids and he best do his part to put a stop to this crap.Help me please. The situation between my ex husbands girlfriend and my boys is getting worse!?okay first off, they are not married. she has no buisness what so ever yelling screaming at them children non the less menaly distressing them with violents. I would write dates times and submit them to your case manager at your local CPS AND FOC offices. I also need to know what your custody is with the boys, do you have joint legal or just your normal weekend visits and summer and holidays? what state are you in? how old are all the children in the home? have you talk to the oldest about telling someone a school principle or teacher or calling 911 when she flips out? if you really feel danger towards your children from this women then you have all the means and rights to go after IT. I am a pro at this custody **** and ex's steps and so on. have been doing this a long long time. please email me and we can discusss more in privit what actions you may take and what way to handle this situation in more.

    How hard is it to get custody order changed?

    When I got divorced about 5 years ago it was standard for my custody orders to restrict my to children to the county we live in %26amp; surrounding counties. I really want this lifted as I have no family here %26amp; my x doesn't get the kids half the time anyways (he actually moved out of state for 1.5 years %26amp; only got them about 2 times) My fiance has been considering returning to the air force, but of course this would require us moving, It just doesn't seem fair that we aren't allowed to better ourselves because the court wants us to live in a certain area. I know I can get a lawyer %26amp; try to fight this, I am just not sure how hard this would be or if it is even possible. I have money in savings, but was recently laid off so I don't want to pay a lawyer if this isn't possible. I live in Texas if that matters. Does anyone have any experience with this or know where I can find more information about this. Thanks for your help.How hard is it to get custody order changed?Its not that hard. But it could be time consuming. Just fill out the papers, tell the judge what you told us and wait for the hearing. Good Luck.How hard is it to get custody order changed?Call a lawyer, i heard it is simple.How hard is it to get custody order changed?You can ask for an amendment to your divorce decree which removes the domicile completely. Sometimes a paralegal can help in these matters.

    all the best.
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  • Changing schools during custody dispute?

    My ex and I are in a custody dispute with our son. Currently we split his time 50/ 50 changing him through the week. We have been doing this for 4 years. Right now he goes to school in my town, he is in kindergarten. My ex moved out of state after the petition for custody was filed. My ex now drives my son 1 hour and 40 minutes back and forth to school during their time. We are currently waiting for a court date. I have a feeling my ex is going to try to change his school to the town in the new state when school starts again in august if we have not been to court yet. Can they do that or is this a violation? how can i make sure my son stays in his school he is familiar with?Changing schools during custody dispute?I believe you will prevail if this gets to court. The court will do everything possible to maintain the status quo of the child. The parents' lives can be disrupted, but the Court will minimize any disruption to the child. So--what to do if you don't get to court to protect that status quo? Get a letter on file with the school and make sure it is clear that this is your child and advise the school the safest course of action for the school is to refuse any request for transfer of records. State directly that you are the co-parent and you do not give permission to the child to change school. Tell the school that any act involving your son requires notice and permission of both parents. Get to your attorney as quickly as possible and ask her/him to file a short and quick motion with the Court to order the parties to maintain the status quo. That's an easy request for the school and the Court and you end up being seen as the more responsible parent.Changing schools during custody dispute?Chances are if he is already been to school in the town you live in they will let him stay there they try to do what is best for the child. Good luck.

    How can I get a custody order changed due to concerns about child welfare?

    My child is 1 yr's old and three months ago I went to court and they sent us to mediation i have always had fear's that her father is unfit to take care of her( He has limited use of his arm and litteraly can not bend it very far) From day one he was in and out of her life going from getting married to someone a month before my daughter was born and within six months they are seperated becasue he feels she is not a good person and now he has his third child with her. He is now with another girl whom I find out yesterday is a child abuser becasue they found drugs in her childs systom when he was born. I only agreed to the joint if he moved back from another city and everyone is saying nm is a joint custody state and the judge wants to see some type of stability blah blah blah on several ocasions ppl say my child does not sleep at night and crys alot i have witnessed how filthy she is and how when she is left alone with her dad she becomes irratable and screams kicking him and pushing her self from him. Her diaper wet to the point is maid my shirt wet from holding her and her sitting on the ground in the dirt crying when i arrived then he gets out of his car to pick her up because I was there CYFD was called on him and they tood 6 days to make contact with my child then another 4 days to do a home visit in which time he cleaned the house. I have dates times the works of things that has happened since my daughter was born but lawyer says i cant use anything from before I signed the custody agreement. Since I signed the agreement her dad started triping and deciding when he would bring her back and its like its his needs not hers he had his girlfriend the child abuser bring my child home to me at 10:00 at night and within thrity min of her being with me I noticed a spider bit on her that was infected they had her for 7 hours prior to me getting her and noticed she said what looked like crap in her diaper but why wouldnt she flip her over to clean her and she said well i dont sit and examine her everytime she comes over. She also had that night in the car with her her three girls and her son with only one car seat and her son also needs to be in a car seat so which child was in the car seat. Also in the vehicle they only have one seat belt that does not work and i have made a comment to her that the kids was asleep on the door and she said o well the seat belt dont work. Or my daughter would be brought home still wearing long sleve clothes in 90 degree weather when his girlfriend had a tank top on and even one time i went to pick her up and she still hand a long sleeve shirlt on and a jacket. After the spider bit insodence he had her in his care and was supposed to take her to the dr and failed to do that. I reschedualed the apt for a day when I had her. My attorney which im second guessing weath or not he should be my attorney says I dont have enough to go on. before i signed the custody paper her dad got into an accident with four ppl in a truck with no ins or reg and two of whom were children his girlfriends kids and he was not even sited for child indangerment cyfd wont do anything and he just keeps getting away with everything like he is this great person. In nm its a non provention state which means she has to be really really hurt for them to do anything they cant provent what we all see can happen. He cant take care of her and he is not even putting ppl in her life who are fit and proper ppl he is still married and is moving in with this new girl whom he plans to marry and she is still on probation from the child abuse charge.

    How can i get sole custdoay with suporvised vists if they wont do suporvised i want his rights taken away.

    Please Help!How can I get a custody order changed due to concerns about child welfare?Well, isn't this long and drawn out. A disability does make a person a bad parent. I've heard these type of claims made against fathers for 20 years by controlling, gatekeeper, mothers. Since you made the poor decision to shack up and get pregnant, you have sole custody by default. Single fathers are relegated to the subbasement of parental rights, with a 12 inch tempered glass ceiling to break through.

    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\How can I get a custody order changed due to concerns about child welfare?Get your attorney to demand an ex parte custody hearing. That is an emergency hearing and the courts will do this if the child is in danger. It sounds as though your daughter does need protection. Document EVERYTHING in writing, take as many pictures you think you'll need to prove that this poor innocent is not being cared for. I wish you luck with this.How can I get a custody order changed due to concerns about child welfare?You really need to shorten this up, use punctuation, spell check, no abbreviations and paragraph it -

    Entirely too difficult to read as it is - without reading sounds like you need a lawyer after the 1st 10 wordsHow can I get a custody order changed due to concerns about child welfare?you need an attorney my dear. seriously. and spelling lessons.How can I get a custody order changed due to concerns about child welfare?First off, my mother raised three kids disabled, so use of his arm and bending will not matter to the court one bit. The fact you suggest it should is terrible. Disabled people are not less able to be good parents.

    Unless you can prove there is something wrong, the court will not take away his rights to his child. So, I suggest you have concrete proof before you do anything.How can I get a custody order changed due to concerns about child welfare?You are going to ask the court to deprive a handicapped man of access to his child?

    You will need a good lawyer, a ton of cash...and lots of prayers.

    Good luck.How can I get a custody order changed due to concerns about child welfare?In all that you have written only 2 things are relevent right now. One, he did not seek medical care for an injury that needed medical care, and two he is living with a convicted child abuser.

    That is all you have to take to the courts, and you can request a modification of the custody agreement. As for your lawyer, they are paid to be the courts compass to you, if they don't think you have a shot, then you may not, but they do what you tell them to do. They are right, anything that happened before the court paper was signed is useless, it should have been taken into account before. The court does not view hindsight as being 20/20.

    The girlfriend being a convicted child abuser may be enough for you to get a temporary order for supervised visits while they are still living together. But if she tests clean now, which I can only assume she will or she wouldn't have her kids, then there isn't muchyou can do.

    I can tell you are frustrated, and I know the system can be frustrating but the fact is that not every parent is going to live up to your standards and it sounds like he is trying to be a dad, which I know is a blessing and a curse. You wish he would just forget about your child, but at the same time it is great that he still wants to be with her. A lot of us had dad's that couldn't care less that there was a living breathing biologically linked person walking around. I myself only met my biological father once, and it still hurts to this day that no matter what I did I always felt I wasn't good enough, because if I was better than everyone at everything he would want me. At least your child won't have to go through that.

    I know you think you know what is best, but for now the best you can do is take him back for contempt charges for the last drop offs, and modification for the girlfriend. But I agree with your lawyer, even though it is driving you insane, the Judge will most likely not do anything.

    How can I get a custody order changed due to concerns about child welfare?

    How can I get a custody order changed due to concerns about child welfare?

    My child is 1 yr's old and three months ago I went to court and they sent us to mediation i have always had fear's that her father is unfit to take care of her( He has limited use of his arm and litteraly can not bend it very far) From day one he was in and out of her life going from getting married to someone a month before my daughter was born and within six months they are seperated becasue he feels she is not a good person and now he has his third child with her. He is now with another girl whom I find out yesterday is a child abuser becasue they found drugs in her childs systom when he was born. I only agreed to the joint if he moved back from another city and everyone is saying nm is a joint custody state and the judge wants to see some type of stability blah blah blah on several ocasions ppl say my child does not sleep at night and crys alot i have witnessed how filthy she is and how when she is left alone with her dad she becomes irratable and screams kicking him and pushing her self from him. Her diaper wet to the point is maid my shirt wet from holding her and her sitting on the ground in the dirt crying when i arrived then he gets out of his car to pick her up because I was there CYFD was called on him and they tood 6 days to make contact with my child then another 4 days to do a home visit in which time he cleaned the house. I have dates times the works of things that has happened since my daughter was born but lawyer says i cant use anything from before I signed the custody agreement. Since I signed the agreement her dad started triping and deciding when he would bring her back and its like its his needs not hers he had his girlfriend the child abuser bring my child home to me at 10:00 at night and within thrity min of her being with me I noticed a spider bit on her that was infected they had her for 7 hours prior to me getting her and noticed she said what looked like crap in her diaper but why wouldnt she flip her over to clean her and she said well i dont sit and examine her everytime she comes over. She also had that night in the car with her her three girls and her son with only one car seat and her son also needs to be in a car seat so which child was in the car seat. Also in the vehicle they only have one seat belt that does not work and i have made a comment to her that the kids was asleep on the door and she said o well the seat belt dont work. Or my daughter would be brought home still wearing long sleve clothes in 90 degree weather when his girlfriend had a tank top on and even one time i went to pick her up and she still hand a long sleeve shirlt on and a jacket. After the spider bit insodence he had her in his care and was supposed to take her to the dr and failed to do that. I reschedualed the apt for a day when I had her. My attorney which im second guessing weath or not he should be my attorney says I dont have enough to go on. before i signed the custody paper her dad got into an accident with four ppl in a truck with no ins or reg and two of whom were children his girlfriends kids and he was not even sited for child indangerment cyfd wont do anything and he just keeps getting away with everything like he is this great person. In nm its a non provention state which means she has to be really really hurt for them to do anything they cant provent what we all see can happen. He cant take care of her and he is not even putting ppl in her life who are fit and proper ppl he is still married and is moving in with this new girl whom he plans to marry and she is still on probation from the child abuse charge.

    How can i get sole custdoay with suporvised vists if they wont do suporvised i want his rights taken away.

    Please Help!How can I get a custody order changed due to concerns about child welfare?Go back to court or call CPS and have them re-evaluate the situation-

    How do I let go of the past mistakes of someone so I can plan, as in make a parenting plan, the future?

    He left the area to be with his girlfriend and now after 2 years acts like he can just pick up where it left off. No acknowledgement that I have assumed his burden, 100% physically, 100% emotionally and 87% financially. He actually suggested taking full custody , 100 miles away from me, now that I found him to get back child support. It feels retalitory (sp?) for enforcing my support order. He has always had the opportunity for shared custody but never even kept a good address with me or his own mother for that matter.This just pushed a button that in his eyes she is only a commodity to barter with in his effort to lesson his support order. If the custody time changes than the income can be rehashed.How do I let go of the past mistakes of someone so I can plan, as in make a parenting plan, the future?Try to distance yourself emotionally from the situation as much as possible. (I realize that's hard with your child's future at stake.) Get a good lawyer and let him/her deal with your ex as much as possible. Don't let what your ex wants affect the decisions that you make regarding your child's wellbeing. You know what is best and it's for him/her to be with you. Focus on that. As long as you have a good lawyer, there is no judge in his/her right mind that will give full custody to someone who abandoned his kid for two years. As for shared custody, since he abandoned her for two years, you should have enough of a case to prevent that from becoming a reality, or at least insist on him making most of the effort to for it to become a reality (for example, he would have to move to the same town or at least the same state in order for that to happen).How do I let go of the past mistakes of someone so I can plan, as in make a parenting plan, the future?go to court for full custody, and child support. he has no leg to stand on if he knew his child was alive and has not paid any support or ever visited her. He is just trying to get you to stop asking for support.How do I let go of the past mistakes of someone so I can plan, as in make a parenting plan, the future?Pray, and do what you can, you love your child so tell him that if he wants to have shared custody to actually do it for the child and not just to lower his support payments. If you go to court, or when you get your support enforced, then ask if when a parent takes shared custody, if the parent doesn't really take care of them, if you can have the shared custody removed or taken away.

    If im 15 can i change what parent has custody of me?

    I am 15 and my parents have been divorced for going on 3 years. My mom received custody of me. I am always with her and she rarley lets me see my dad. I have always been ok with the fact that I live with my mom, but latley i have taken more of an intrest in seeing my dad. Every time i want to see him or bring him up she yells at me and tells me how horrible he is. She is very minipulative and lies about everything.I also feel that my mom is pretty unstable. She puts all the blame on me for everything. I try to tell her about how emotionally exusted she is making me but she just walks away. I fight with her more and more and i talked to my dad and he said i could live with him. My mom said that im not aloud to. and when i tell her how unhappy i am she twists it around and makes it not her problem Am i aloud to decide who i live with? im 15 and live in North CarolinaIf im 15 can i change what parent has custody of me?If you feel unsafe with your mother you should go to social services they are there for this reason. If you want to be with your dad they can help you fix it to where you are most of the time.If im 15 can i change what parent has custody of me?not sure i think you can have a parent you want to live with have the right to fight in court to have custordy of you go with the one must likely to give you the better life xIf im 15 can i change what parent has custody of me?not sure of your state laws, but tell your dad to file a motion for changing parenting time (Modification of parenting time).

    The court may or may not allow you to verbalize your choice.

    Are you really sure you want to move out from your mom's? choosing sides would devastate her I am sure.

    maybe just spend more time during weekends, holidays, summer with your dad first?If im 15 can i change what parent has custody of me?have the other parent petition the court on your behalf.....
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  • His Ex-Wife KeepsThreatening, any way to stop this madness?

    Ok, this is not a case of not paying child support because we pay it every month and have proof. We pay using our bank account and the bank mails her a check. We have proof tha the last payment was sent on Aug 21. She has not received it yet, so I am assuming it may be lost in the mail. Well, she is threatening to %26quot;go down to the courthouse and have them debit it so we won't forget to pay it%26quot; and while she is at is, she is just going to have them raise it too. There is no reason for her to act like this because we always pay it. She also does not have custody of them, my husband does. He is deployed to Iraq, so he let them (2 girls) go back to live with their mother but they probably won't be coming back to live with us. As of now, she has not gone to court to have custody changed but she loves to throw threats around and I have been nothing but nice to her. She also sends all her coorespondence through their 14-yr-old daughter's email account, so the child can see all of this, which I feel is very wrong. Has anyone had a similar experience? Can anyone tell us what we should do to be prepared if she does take him back to court? How can he stop her from getting child support raised? He pays $400 for 2 children and it is not even court ordered yet, the order still says she is supposed to be paying $200 per month to him but he does it because his kids stay with her. I get $400 as well from my ex every month for 3 kids. My 3 kids live with us, can and will they be considered a shield to stop her from getting child support raised very much? Any advise will be helpful. Info: Their divorce was final in South Carolina but we live in North Carolina and they now live in Tennessee.His Ex-Wife KeepsThreatening, any way to stop this madness?Dtart to trace the check through the bank. Email her of this and keep a copy of this fact. Tell her it was sent.

    From now on, send it certified mail with return receipt. She might have gotten it, lost it and wants another and is hostile. She might have gotten it and wants more. Her threats are empty. She cannot debit your account. Only a court can.

    Get to your Bank from now on and make sure you send it certified with return receipt.

    Otherwise, a cheaper way is to xerox the stamped envelope, the check, and also the %26quot;proof of mailing%26quot; $1.10 certificate and send it. Write a letter to ex and xerox it. Include original in the envelope. Date the letter and say The money is for which month, what time period. Staple all Xeroxes and keep them in a safe place...She will never know you have done this, because you have all xeroxes. Do not tell her~!

    If she claims she never got it, ask your Bank if they cleared the Check. if they Say they did, ignore her threats. If she takes you to court when clearly she got the Check, then go to the a lawyer anc chrage her sue her and get her jailed criminal harassment, fraud, and extortion, based on your proof of mailing, Xeroxes, and the statement from the bank that such check cleared. She will be criminalLy guilty and maybe GO to jail.

    Get her!His Ex-Wife KeepsThreatening, any way to stop this madness?She is not going to be able to raise the child support without a court hearing. Your husband is in the military and he has military attorneys who are generally very good.

    It would be nice if the kids could live with you and your husband once he gets home from Iraq. This psycho mom shouldn't be putting her 14 y.o. child in the middle of her drama. She should be ashamed of herself.His Ex-Wife KeepsThreatening, any way to stop this madness?The carolina's are NOTORIOUS for screwing up child support.They will either send it to her twice a month or once a month and they drag their @ doing it.Get in touch with the people who are in charge of it.The State HIRES agencies to take the child support taken out of your husbands check and they drag their feet,sometimes.Other times it may be the employer not sending it in on time.His Ex-Wife KeepsThreatening, any way to stop this madness?Because he is in Iraq, they have soldiers clause, so even if she files then all he has to do is call and say that he is in iraq and when he will be back. Technically they can't do anything because he is fighting for our country. Your child support money goes for your children, so they can't count that as far as I know. I am not sure about Tennessee laws or rules about child support, just make sure you get proof of what he is paying every month to her. Best of luck!!His Ex-Wife KeepsThreatening, any way to stop this madness?i live in california and my husband has to children with his ex they werent even married first of all. and his ex is sick in the head she lied basically she abuses the court system it makes me sick. she lied he never paid her child support so we got stuck with a back payment plus child support. plus for 2 children we pay 600 a month for just 2. its crazy. his ex also does what ur husband ex does also. when she doesnt get the checks for child support she freaks out and calls my husband threating him. yet we dont even deal with the checks getting sent to her. his job sends them to her. plus shes so sick she tells her children we didnt get our money its all ur dads fault and blames everything on him. i just dont get it why would u want ur children to resent their father. shes so immature. my opion the reason why his ex was able to abuse the court system is cuz she works for the police department. so u know right there thats why she got off. i have so many stories i could tell u. its insane. also since we owe her a back payment my 2 kids of our own never get their taxes i dont my husband doesnt. how sad is that. my own children who have nothing to do with this women. i dont understand why women can walk into court and ruin families like this. i've even told her myself. she has no shame she could careless. shes living in a home up in the hills in orange county. her sons have brand new cars everything my family could never have while were stuck living with my parents. all i can say is the courts like to see evidence of everything. get a notebook. write down everything ur step kids tell u. when they cant come over cuz of her write it down and reasons why, when she threathins u write it down date and time. it doesnt matter if all these things sound stupid but they like to see all that his ex did that and she got off easy. just cuz u have kids of ur own the courts can careless. they see it has hes having more kids and yet hes paying child support. just take notes of everything that way when she does take u to court u dont go in empty handed cuz they hate that.His Ex-Wife KeepsThreatening, any way to stop this madness? court ordered child support is so much easier, documentation by child support office, if the party who pays isn't working and not paying child support, one can go to court to reinforce the court order. you can always check online to where the child support account is with payments, that is what is in place since my divorce and it is so much nicer to do it this wayHis Ex-Wife KeepsThreatening, any way to stop this madness?Well first of all if he is paying more than he has to right now then she has no ground to stand on by bringing him to court. They wont even do anything to him for being late one time. I go through this with my husbands crazy ex wife every week. She is always taking him to court every chance she can get, the only thing your husband can do right now is file a harassment order on her in court so she cant keep taking him to court for no good reason. My husband and i are in the middle of that right now. My husbands ex wife also uses their three kids to get to my husband and she tells the kids lies and all of her business like they are her friends instead of her kids. The court will only go by his income it is the law and they cant take more than 33% of his check either. Also they go by how much your husband has to pay out in bills and stuff to and it is a law that they cant make you go broke for child support so don't worry. She is a vindictive b*tch and karma will get her so she will get what she deserves.

    Just ignore her and let her act like an immature baby if she wants to just remember that you are a bigger and better person for not doing that to your ex and for not blowing up at her.

    I hate being in the second wives club but welcome to it, its no fun and it until over until the kids are 18.