Friday, September 23, 2011

Changing Child Custody Parent?

I am 17 and i have been living with my mother since my parents divorced. I was given the choice of who to live with at 12 but my father didnt have a house at the time so I stayed with my mother. Now I have found out that living with my mother is unhealthy for me and I am very unhappy living with her. I am alowed to see my father when ever I want and I still have the choice of who I want to live with. The problem is that I know my mother will not consent to me moving because she uses my support money. How can I move without being dragged back by the courts? Also there was something about 'placement' and my mother has that right now?

Any help will be greatly appreciated or even links to other sites that can help.

Thankyou!Changing Child Custody Parent?I fought for my kids about 3 years ago. It was the best money I ever spent. Tell your dad to fight for you. The lives of the kids is more important than the adults.Changing Child Custody Parent?Explain to your mother in the nicest way that you can, either she consents to it now at 17 years old or you wait a few months an move out out when you turn 18 and things between you and her will not be happy.