Monday, September 19, 2011

How to change venue of child custody case in California?

Case was started in Humboldt County. Mother now lives in Trinity county, father and children live in Los angeles.

Children have lived in Los Angeles since July 2008. How do we move the case?How to change venue of child custody case in California?First, just take a current copy of the court orders to the Clerk of the Court in LA, register it, and request they take jurisdiction. There should be no problem as neither parent lives in Humboldt County. If you have any problems, contact Warren Farrell in San Diego. He's been in the fathers rights movement for over 30 years.

Last March, James Cook, the founding father of the movement, and the driver behind changes in California law addressing fathers rights passed away in Los Angeles.

One question though. Why would you want to move from that pretty county, up near Oregon, down to Los Angeles? Though I now live in the Kansas City Area, I'm from Sacramento.

Fathers at Dads House would like to hear his story on being a custodial father. Also, is she paying child support to him, or the other way around? California frequently orders custodial fathers to pay.

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\How to change venue of child custody case in California?You petition the court and ask that a change of venue be granted due to neither party being a resident of that county any longer. Usually if you call the clerk of court, they will have the forms ready-made to help you. You will also have to file the paperwork with the courthouse in the new county. (Sometimes they will do this for you, sometimes you have to do it yourself.)