Tuesday, October 25, 2011

If im 15 can i change what parent has custody of me?

I am 15 and my parents have been divorced for going on 3 years. My mom received custody of me. I am always with her and she rarley lets me see my dad. I have always been ok with the fact that I live with my mom, but latley i have taken more of an intrest in seeing my dad. Every time i want to see him or bring him up she yells at me and tells me how horrible he is. She is very minipulative and lies about everything.I also feel that my mom is pretty unstable. She puts all the blame on me for everything. I try to tell her about how emotionally exusted she is making me but she just walks away. I fight with her more and more and i talked to my dad and he said i could live with him. My mom said that im not aloud to. and when i tell her how unhappy i am she twists it around and makes it not her problem Am i aloud to decide who i live with? im 15 and live in North CarolinaIf im 15 can i change what parent has custody of me?If you feel unsafe with your mother you should go to social services they are there for this reason. If you want to be with your dad they can help you fix it to where you are most of the time.If im 15 can i change what parent has custody of me?not sure i think you can have a parent you want to live with have the right to fight in court to have custordy of you go with the one must likely to give you the better life xIf im 15 can i change what parent has custody of me?not sure of your state laws, but tell your dad to file a motion for changing parenting time (Modification of parenting time).

The court may or may not allow you to verbalize your choice.

Are you really sure you want to move out from your mom's? choosing sides would devastate her I am sure.

maybe just spend more time during weekends, holidays, summer with your dad first?If im 15 can i change what parent has custody of me?have the other parent petition the court on your behalf.....
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