Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How do I change a custody agreement?

I gave my sons dad shared custody because we still get along and he is a good dad. He has a new job and it isn't working out the way I had expected. I want to change the agreement we have but we did the divorce not a lawyer and I don't want to have to go that far. Is there a way I can have our case re opened and a judge decide what we getHow do I change a custody agreement?A judge %26quot;blessed%26quot; your divorce including the custody agreement. You will have to have a judge bless the change. If your ex husband agrees then have the paper work filled out and signed by by both and submit to the court. No problem. Otherwise you will need an attorney and give solid evidence that a change is in the best interest of the children. (not you) In doing so you will most likely substantially emotionally damage your ex husband and ruin him from being a good dad. If you are that heartless then go for it and I hope you pay greatly for it somehow, someway, sometime in the future. You will deserve it.rHow do I change a custody agreement?just stop! let him be a dad. divorce is hard on all sides. like you just said he is a good dad. let him be. just talk to him about the job issues, if money is a problem he will let you know. the two of you are divorced and you no longer have rule over him, so do not try and control his life as a dad. i mean it! you do not have the right! the sooner you realize that the easier both of your lives will be.How do I change a custody agreement?You can ask your husband to change it. Otherwise, too bad so sad.

Besides, you said that he was a good dad, why do you want to deprive your child of that? Quit being so selfish.How do I change a custody agreement?u shouldnt of had kids if u were gona get a divorce

make sure ur with some1 u kno u'll stay with 4EVER

divorces succk!! %26gt;:(
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