Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Military overseas assignment & parental custody?

I am in the military and received orders to Japan. My stepson wants to go to Dallas instead and stay with his dad. His dad has paid child support up until now; My question is - when we go over there, how will it change custody and supporting the child?Military overseas assignment %26amp; parental custody?that is up to you,the courts and the other parent.Military overseas assignment %26amp; parental custody?well do you have accompanied orders ? This will all only change through the court system. I am assuming his dad will take custody over but this is something again you will need to go to court for. This has nothing to do with the military except you need to have him taken off your orders. And he needs to be really sure thats what he wants. He can't change his mind last minute and go since your family will have to go through health checks and such.Military overseas assignment %26amp; parental custody?Then you must change the custody agreement. If you can agree on it, see if you can do it through a lawyer, if not it will need to go to court. The military will not help you in any way settle this but JAG can refer you to a lawyer that can help you.