Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How do my sister and i change custody of my nephew?

my sister and i were thinking about bringing my oldest nephew [9] to live with me for a while and attend school, but in order for me to be able to put him in school, i need custody... how would we get started and what would we do in order to give me at least temporary custody??How do my sister and i change custody of my nephew?ok what you must do is ask the Person who has custody of him if thy are willing to turn over custody to you in order for you to get custody you must be able to prove your able to give him a safe place to live and food so on and so on if the other person not willing to give you custody then you must prove that you can do more for him and prove that there unfit to do the job and this must be done thro the court you might need a lawerHow do my sister and i change custody of my nephew?You have to take whomever has custody of him to court for custody of the child. IF he is in the custody of a parent you would have to prove in court that this parent is unfit. If you can't do that then you don't get custody. And by the way, here in the states you HAVE to have paperwork for legal guardianship as well and you can not enroll a child in school without Legal guardianship.How do my sister and i change custody of my nephew?I live in Canada(not sure where u r).Here all you have to do to enroll in another school is have an address that shows u reside in the school-zone.If you talk to the board of education and explain then sometimes they make exceptions to the rule.Also the mum would have to go to the school and put you down as emergency contact and temporary guardian.No legal work.Just the moms agreement.
