Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Im 17 and i wanna live with my dad can i change custody. state TN

My gradnparents have raised me since a baby i have seen my dad off and on during that time im 16 now ive been spending alot of more time with him. i hate living with my grandparents my papa is always drunk harassing me and my boyfriend my grandma always has to take care of her mother and has no time for me much. what steps do i need to take to move in with my dad he is much more educated and dosent drink anymore and is very well set finacially and treats me better and will have more time for me and help me with school. how to i go about switching custody form grand parents from him. i wouldnt have to change schools or anything. i dont know if they have joint custody or not and my grandma wont give me my social security number or birth certificate what can i do?Im 17 and i wanna live with my dad can i change custody. state TNI would think that your father would know the terms of the custody. But maybe not since it has been so long. If he is amenable to having you live with him he should go speak to a lawyer..... it won't cost much to have one look into it. He can pull up any copies of custody agreements.

Now if it is your social security # you want. I assume you have ID. You can go to DMV and ask them what your social security # is. You can go to a social security office. Now that I think of it your school records should have it in them. Do you have a regular doctor or on someones health insurance? They would have the number..

You can order your birth certificate online pretty cheap. If you were born locally the courthouse probably has a copy.

You first said you were 17 and then 16. If it is 17 you might want to sit tight because if there is any legal wrangling by the time any of this is resolved you would probably have already turned 18. At which point you can just pack up and leave.

But you will still need to have your social and birth certificate for later. So work on that and in the meantime your Dad should do a consult with a lawyer. Im 17 and i wanna live with my dad can i change custody. state TNget an attorney.