Monday, September 19, 2011

Changing child custody in Michigan?

Things have gotten to be less than amiable with my mother and she is starting to restrict the time that I can stay at my dad's house. I'm 16 now, turning 17 in February and I wanted to look into getting custody changed so that my dad has primary care for me. I've been staying at his house for a majority of the last two years, only going to my mom's about twice a week, and obviously I prefer it here.

I was wondering about the pros and cons of even attempting to get custody changed. I understand that it can take a while in court and I only have about a year and a half left. Would it even be worth it? And if it is, how do I start this process?

I would really like to keep a good relationship with my mom, but at this point I feel like I don't have any other options.Changing child custody in Michigan?Go to Dads House in Yahoo Groups. There's a free manual there that will teach you all you need to know, and association with others involved in similar cases.

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Changing child custody in Michigan?You can't do this as your father has to do this for you. He needs to get a lawyer and go to court and ask for residential custody to be changed to himself. When the judge hears that this is something you want to do and that for the most part of the last two years, you were with your dad, the custody change should be granted (especially when you point out that your mother has been recently restricting your access to your father). This should take less than six months.

There is only one thing that could be a problem. Why is she restricting your access to your father? Is there something that you don't know about or could your father have asked her to spend more time with you? Is there something you don't know? Start off by having a talk with your dad and from there, you will know your options.

Take care.