Friday, September 23, 2011

How do i get changes to child custody?

I'll be getting out of the military within the next six months. I got divorced two months ago. Originally, the terms stated that I would get to see my son on the second weekend of every month. At the time it seemed reasonable due to the deployment schedule and training for the deployments. And the fact that my ex lives at the other end of the state. I would like to get that changed once i get out of the military and have a more stable life. Stable meaning staying in one place and not going to iraq. I'd like to see if i could get custody of him during the summers and on holidays, if possible. Not only does he not see me very much, but he hasn't seen my side of the family in over a year. I would like to change that. How can i go about it? Can the court system help me?How do i get changes to child custody?I would hope that you can work this out with your ex on amicable terms first. I suspect that he/she might welcome the break. Just because papers say one thing, that doesn't mean that you cannot see your child more often. This kind of thing should NOT be mandated by a court. Your ex surely realizes that time spent with you is good for the child. IF he/she says no, they are punishing you through the child...very bad idea, for one day, the child will really resent the situation....all children learn the truth, sooner or later. Do nothing now, but wait until you can prove you are stable, have good home life, etc....then talk to the ex. If that doesn't pan out, then go back to will be expensive, and you may not win. But good luckHow do i get changes to child custody?as a father you should be entilted to summers and every other holiday... you can get a lawyer an petition the court once you are home and settled

Im most states at age 10-12 if your child wants to live with you that is pretty easy to...but he or she has to be of age that a judge would let them stand and say soHow do i get changes to child custody?Yes the court system can help you. I can't imagine keeping my children away from their father. You have every right to see your child. I think the courts will help you, and if she has half a brain she should want her son's father in his life.How do i get changes to child custody?for sure the court can help.get urself a layer and try to take ur case back to court cuz it sounded like u did it before to get the visitations rights that u have sure the court can change that if u r gonna be home and not get deployed again.How do i get changes to child custody?Go to court with and order to get more visitations. Not many men actually want more rights so the courts should side with you unless you have a bad pasted.How do i get changes to child custody?Go to the family court and request a changeHow do i get changes to child custody?Below link might help you