Monday, September 19, 2011

Child custody.?

The mother lives in texas and the father is in Ohio, we both agree to change child custody to the father, for better schooling and community. The child is 15 years old and also agrees to this, how do we change the custody without prolonging and with the cheapest way? We prefer no lawyers, can we do this on our own?Any web links for info would be great!Child custody.?GET A LAWYER INVOLVED!!

Doing it on your own, works for you, but really shafts the ex-husband. Of course, he won't know this if you don't say anything.

3 years from now, he will owe you 3 years back child support, and have a HUGE legal battle hanging over him, if you decide to press the issue.

Unless the legal system is involved, the current court order stands...period.Child custody.?If it is mutual, your family court can agree.Child custody.?you can go into family court and turn temp. or permanent custody over to the father with visitation rights for the motherChild custody.?If you go to family court you can make a non-contested claim that this is what you want.Child custody.?Are you going to be happy if something goes wrong?

Anything can go wrong so find a reasonable attorney, perhaps have the father find one in Ohio, and present the papers to you.

What happens if the in a car accident...without a plan, the child could be raised by a step-mother,,,,,even if she's not in the picture you want that?

This is a child, not a pet, and life happens along with car accidents and do it legally!Child custody.?if the mother has him now and is getting child suppport, the courts have to at least know what you are doing. otherwise the mother could say the father took him without permission (over state lines - dad could go to jail). mother still gets child support if the courts don't know he moved.

it's not that i don't trust men or women; i don't trust the 'system'.