Friday, September 23, 2011

I have been divorced for over 3 years and have joint custody of a 7,12, and 14 year old.?

Three weeks ago my ex filed for a change of custody that was rejected by the judge on the spot. This has happened in the past and was also rejected as the judge views this a personal attack against me and nothing to do with the children. The kids love their mom and I understand that. They love me as well and I would not tell them how nasty their mom is to me. Is there a point that the kids(the older ones) should know about what their mom does to me? Or will they find out on their own when they get older? Is there a way to tell them without casting their mom in a bad light?I have been divorced for over 3 years and have joint custody of a 7,12, and 14 year old.?It's not a good idea to talk to your children about what went wrong in your marriage. If they ask, just tell them you had some serious differences that you couldn't work out. You don't have to go into details. If they persist, just tell them it's not appropriate to go into this with them.I have been divorced for over 3 years and have joint custody of a 7,12, and 14 year old.?They'll find out on their own eventually. Be a good father and don't damage the kids by talking badly about their mother. Let her file all she wants.....the judge apparently knows what she's up to... Good luck :)I have been divorced for over 3 years and have joint custody of a 7,12, and 14 year old.?Boy can I relate. Been there, still there man. Here is the skinny. My ex and I signed a document, divorce degree, that says you will not bad mouth the other parent in front of the I don't. I would not tell them. I can't wait till each one turns 18 so that I can. I know it is hard. You can tell them that you are trying hard to work with their mom, but sometimes mom says and does some bad things. And leave it at that. If you go into detail, you might make one or more of them mad. After a while they will see her as she is. Give it time. I know it is hard...believe me. Best of luck. Hope this helps.I have been divorced for over 3 years and have joint custody of a 7,12, and 14 year old.?Kids know more than you think. Time will show them the truth, no need to drag them thru crapola and drama. Answer their questions as openly and candid as you can, without pointing a finger at their mom.I have been divorced for over 3 years and have joint custody of a 7,12, and 14 year old.?They will find out on their own... If you say anything to them about what there mother has done, they may tell her, and it could hurt you, the next time she decides to change the custody arrangements again...I have been divorced for over 3 years and have joint custody of a 7,12, and 14 year old.?It is better to let them formulate their own opinions. They don't need to know what she is doing to you. It is more important for them to decide how they feel about her based on how she treats them. Telling them anything remotely negative about their mother is not good.I have been divorced for over 3 years and have joint custody of a 7,12, and 14 year old.?sweetie believe me they will find out how nasty she is and how she has treated you in all this mess. they are too young right now for you to have that kind of talk with them. wait until they are much older and start to ask you why you and mom did this or did that than you break it down to them than and only at that point. right now they are too young and it will back fire on you and they will hate you. so continue to be you and love them to death and be there for them and never say a negative word about their mom in front of them. GodBlessI have been divorced for over 3 years and have joint custody of a 7,12, and 14 year old.?They will find out on their own.

If they ask, you can give them a bare bones account but do not bring it up. Its hard but its not about you.

My ex told the judge i was a coke freak who gave drugs to my son and wanted all ties to me severed but for me to pay child support.

I have custody and my son and he sees his dad whenever his dad asks for him (within reason) and I try not to allow my utter hatred for this man interfere with my son's relationship with him. He'll find out in the end I'm sure. all I can do is be a good as parent as possible.I have been divorced for over 3 years and have joint custody of a 7,12, and 14 year old.?You have been harping about this woman on YA for the past two years without stop. You have got to get a hobby or something. This is ridiculous. At some point you have to get over the divorce and stop desiring revenge. You complain about her in relation to the children but you constantly want to drag the children in the middle of it. Grow up and move on, and if you don't do it soon the children will grow up and move on before you do.I have been divorced for over 3 years and have joint custody of a 7,12, and 14 year old.?Do not tell them. The fact is she is being mean to YOU not them, so why should they hold that against her? Sounds like you want them to like you better.

The adults got the divorce, not the children.I have been divorced for over 3 years and have joint custody of a 7,12, and 14 year old.?Oh please do not tell them. I have spent the past eight years in the middle of the same situation. I hate that my parents tell us anything. If their mom is a person who would do this, they will find out eventually.I have been divorced for over 3 years and have joint custody of a 7,12, and 14 year old.?There is no way to express it and show how she treats you that will soften the blow to them of how she really is to you... Stay strong, love those kids up because you sound from this like a loving daddy...

As they grow up, it will become impossible for her to hide her true colors... They I am sure are already cued in, but children seem to hide these things..

Keep a loving, close communication line open with them...

Chin up! :o)I have been divorced for over 3 years and have joint custody of a 7,12, and 14 year old.?i would wait till they are a little older