Friday, September 23, 2011

My daughter just moved in with me. What's the protocol for custody and child support change.?

We live in Central Texas. My daughter is 16. How do I change over the custody from her mom to me. Her mom is agreeable to her moving in with me. However, I still pay her child support and the mom does not want to help with things like clothes and school suppleys. I dont need her help. But it is causing tension with my current wife (who unfortunately was married to a deadbeat dad that nevers supports my step-daughter). I have gone to the oag websites help. They not helpful to dads(in my opinion) even the responsible ones.WHAT TO DO???My daughter just moved in with me. What's the protocol for custody and child support change.?File a motion with the Court to get custody modified.

Well if you pay support you need to file a motion to also modify child support. And if the mother agreed to the child moving in with you soemtimes support will cease and the mother will not have to pay for the daughter since she is living with you. The terms of how this arrangment came to be will definitely be up for discussion in the judge making their decision.

I know dads always get the short end of the stick - I am a woman and I hate that. It's like if you're the dad you're automatically an ******!

But anyways...petition the Court to modify the parenting plan and modify/cease support obligations since your daughter is now living with you. You may not receive support from the mother if this was an agreed upon move. Keep paying support to your ex and when your order gets granted you wife will have to refund the support you have paid while your daughter is living with you!

Good luck.My daughter just moved in with me. What's the protocol for custody and child support change.?A responsible father gets a lawyer.My daughter just moved in with me. What's the protocol for custody and child support change.?You will need to seek help from an attorney because you will have to modify the existing child support and custody orders. This is the only way that you can get out of paying support on your daughter without getting into trouble. Then you can seek child support from your daughter's mother.

NOTE: Whoever is giving thumbs down is being silly. You have to modify the existing orders either with an attoney's help or you can do it pro se but you have to file a motion to modify the support order. The courts don't know that the custody has changed, and if he just stops paying child support on the current order without modifying it, he will be in arrears, which would lead to possible jail, DL being suspended.My daughter just moved in with me. What's the protocol for custody and child support change.?Several things. If the mother is willing to give up custody voluntarily, you can go to the county court house and get a form, both sign it, and then you file it. In general, you do not need lawyers on any part of this, if both parties are agreeable. Lawyers are only needed if the disagreements have to be resolved in court. The county clerk can not give legal advice, but they can tell you what forms are required to do what you want to do... and how to fill them out and file them. If you obtain full custody, then you should no longer have to pay child support... File that form also. She will have to sign, and if not, then you need a lawyer.My daughter just moved in with me. What's the protocol for custody and child support change.?go to court to change custody decree and child supportMy daughter just moved in with me. What's the protocol for custody and child support change.?Call your child support case worker with the state.

Explain to this person what is going on. You might have to go back to court and get papers drawn up.

I have not seen to many parents who pay child support come close to the money it actually costs to raise a kid.

Two more years to go. You can now put this child on your taxes.

Wish you well ~ with a teenager.My daughter just moved in with me. What's the protocol for custody and child support change.?GET AN ATTY. and make sure there are stipulations in the modifcation about you both paying towards her college. The money being paid to your daughter directly or the college.My daughter just moved in with me. What's the protocol for custody and child support change.?You are not suppose to pay her child support if your daughter lives with you. She has to pay child support even if she doesn't want to. Your daughter lives with you now so go to court and make her pay you something even if it just 10 bucks a week. Don't ruin your marriage over this. You need to put your current wife first and not your ex. Who cares about your ex wife you need to care about your current wife. You just need to go to court and file the paperwork. But you need to do it there is no reason your ex wife should be able to do this to you. Good luck.