Monday, September 19, 2011

Child not home for Christmas..?

my son has gone to spend Christmas with his dad, the problem is he did not want to go, I did not want him to go either however the judge says he has to and his dad told him that he had to even though my son sat there are cried his little heart out.... My son called me when he got back to his dad's and was still cring 2 hours later. This is hard for me to sit here and do nothing while i know my son hurts so much..... How do I keep my sanity so that I do what I am supposed to and make sure that I get my son back.. The judge said that if I kept him during his dad's visitation that I the court would change custody. I have never been without my kids on christmas and that was bad enough but to sit there and watch him cry and then to find out that he is still crying 2 hours later just rips my heart out.Child not home for Christmas..?its amazing how much u love him

way 2 go!

just call him ALOT!

when he cries comfort him by saying

''you'll be home soon''

''don't worry, daddy loves you 2''

''pray honey and you'll feel better''

''i'll see you soon''

''oh sweety, it's ok''

''i'll see you tomorrow''

when he gets home, treat him like that day is christmas

like he never went with his dad

open all the gifts that day

have your special dinner

do all your traditions

leave cookies for santa

just treat him like he never left

best of luck!


Merry Christmas

(i'll pray 4 u)Child not home for Christmas..?don't worry about it just least you know your kids love you!..Child not home for Christmas..?I'm sorry. I can't imagine what that would be like. But I promise you that if you ask God to help you and guide you--he will. I pray for peace for all of you. Sound like that little stinker really loves you. Merry CHRISTmas.Child not home for Christmas..?Divorce is tough on's sadChild not home for Christmas..?((((((((((((((((( HUGS ))))))))))))))))) My heart goes out to you. Just hang in there it will be over soon.Child not home for Christmas..?Try talking to your husband and compromise to have your children with you. If he disagree, just pray that God will change his mind when he sees them cry, that he'll voluntarily bring the children back to you. Dont worry, God will be with them and you.Child not home for Christmas..?Your son is really sad. Even though you might think this is a horrible idea, go visit you child at your ex's house. This way you'll be able to spend Christmas with him and also have him not crying out his poor little heart. Second, Have you tried charging full custody? When I was younger my parents were divorced. I hardly got to see my dad and he said that I wasn't his child. During one Christmas, I bought him a gift, but it took him 2 months 'til he picked it up. I rarely saw my dad , even though my mother didn't charge full custody. You must try anything to get your child back since he really loves you and you shouldn't let this bring you down.Child not home for Christmas..?I know its hard but you have to help your son by preparing him and making it seem normal and exciting. If he's crying because of how you behaved, then you need to knock that off. You got the divorce and you know what the custody arrangement was, you should have spent the last few months preparing him.

This is how your life is now, you will need to get control of yourself to adequate parent your child during these changes.